Lightspeed Ahead

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Today had been the day of the sports festival. The class have trained to their very best for this very moment, to show the world their future heroes. Class 1A had been preparing in the waiting room, donning their sports uniforms instead of their hero costumes. Which relieved Black, he'd already had enough with his own classes ridiculously bright costumes. He didn't need to see the ones from other classes

Black was leaning on a wall, listening into his classmates conversations from afar. That was until the class president came with a message for all

"Everyone, are you ready!? We will be entering soon!" Lida said with his signature chopping motion

'The usual huh? I suppose it's bound to get old some day' Black thought. However, it was interrupted when Todoroki walked up to Midoriya, which drew the attention of everyone in the room. The tension grew until Midoriya broke the ice

"Todoroki, what is it?" Midoriya asked nervously

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you" Todoroki said matter of factly, gaining the attention of the entire room

"Huh, y-yeah..." Midoriya stuttered

'Such weakness, such naivety. You are much stronger than these hero bastards and yet you bow down to such filth as if it's your purpose. Even without the power of One For All you are still far more capable than what these humans can ever accomplish' Black scolded the boy in his thoughts

"But All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?" Todoroki questioned before continuing

"I'm not trying to pry into that. But I'm going to beat you" Todoroki stated, but was intercepted by Black

'Ugh, while I may not be the biggest Midoriya supporter, I won't be tolerating any blatant oppression from anyone' Black thought before he spoke out from the wall

"If the son of Endeavour is challenging someone like Midoriya then you really are pathetic Todoroki" Todoroki gave a mean glare to Black, he continued however

"I suggest you declare war on a student more fit to serve a challenge. Or are you so weak that you'd oppress one weaker than you to simply better your ego" Black mocked Todoroki

"Watch your tongue Black" Todoroki warned. Said warning however was ignored

"You've seen what I've done to Kirishima, do you doubt my will to inflict the same pain upon you?" Many had flashbacks to a training session prepared by Aizawa, Kirishima's blood curdling screams frightened everyone present that time. To experience such things at such a young age would do so to most people

Ashido couldn't stand the thought of it and stood up to Black. Ashido said "Why would a villain like you do such a thing to Kirishima, he's never done anything to you. What did he do to deserve it!" Ashido cried. Pointing towards the PTSD victim Kirishima, who was entirely avoiding the fight on his table. Black was as unmoving as ever and responded to her plea

"You may be right in calling me a villain Mina. But I also have my own set of wants that I wish to be fulfilled one way or another. Which also includes defeating the top of the class" Black confessed, earning a scoff from Bakugou with his squad

"Tch, as if that would happen" Bakugou commented

"Keep saying that to yourself Bakugou, all will payoff once you experience despair Infront of the whole world" Black said menacingly. However his crusade of intimidation was cut short by the class representative

"Not now everyone, we're about to start!" Lida said

'Black defended me from Shota? Why would the one who tortured Kirishima during training be doing this!? Well, All Might did warn me about Black somehow knowing about One For All but he hasn't revealed it yet' Black noticed Midoriya deep in thought and spoke

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