Chapter 34- Taking Audre

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     'Is it wrong for me to be a little grateful for this attack?' Vadon thought. 'I really didn't want her to finish her sentence.'

     The little female in his arms looked at him, her eyes filled with concern and worry. "An attack? Right now?"

     "Unfortunately, yes," Vadon answered as he rushed through the village. "But they are probably still being held back in the lower village right now. I still however need to get you to safety."

     "I see," Audre said. "Are you going to help them fight?"

     "Since everybody knows that you're here at this point, it should be fine if I stay behind since I'm your only male," said Vadon. "Callian and Ryker should understand and not cause us any trouble."

     "Unfortunately, you can't stay behind."

     Seeming to appear out of nowhere and stepping into their path was none other than that annoying leopard, Ryker.

      Vadon glared menacingly at the leopard. "Why wouldn't I be able to stay with my female? Shouldn't her safety be my top priority?"

     "Of course," Ryker said. "If she was your female, but you two haven't mated yet. Therefore, she isn't your female, and we need as many males defending the village as possible. If the guards were enough, then you wouldn't have heard the drums."

     Vadon glared at the leopard. Was the attack so gruesome that he would have him leave an unmated female unprotected? No. It wasn't that. That leopard was definitely planning something.

     "Rest assured that the female will not be left alone. Sigrid says that the female's safety is paramount, so she wanted me to take her to our home where she will be under the protection of Koda and Rhys."

     "We don't need you!" Vadon shouted. He didn't know what they were up to, but he knew that something wasn't right with all of this.

     "Don't turn this into a problem Vadon," Ryker warned. His voice filled with an underlying growl.

     Vadon growled as he held tighter to Audre. Typically, he wouldn't have to worry about this turning into a conflict, but seeing as it was an order from the Chief, he knew that Ryker wouldn't hesitate to take Audre by force.

    'What should I do?'

     "Alright. I'll go." Audre sighed.

     Vadon looked down at the little female in his arms. "What? But Audre-"

     "It's not like we can refuse," Audre said calmly. "And it will be safer this way as well."

     "She will be well protected. I promise you." Ryker said. "So please cooperate. We don't have time to dispute over this."

     "Are you sure about this Audre?" Vadon asked as he set her down.

     Audre smiled and gave his arm a reassuring pat. "Sorry, this is partially my fault. We'll see each other again soon, it's not like we are separated forever."

     Vadon watched helplessly as Audre walked over to Ryker. He wanted so badly to take her back into his arms and run far away with her, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to take on Ryker and those who would help him. He could also mess up their chances of escaping as well. So, for now, he had to let her go.

     "Go! there isn't any need to waste time here!" Ryker growled as he led Audre away.

     'One day.' Vadon thought. 'One day, I will make that leopard regret this.' 

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