Chapter 10- Quest

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Audre found herself standing alone in a beautiful grassland with rolling hills. The sun shone brightly, and the cool breeze sent waves through the grass.    

Audre had no idea when she had gotten there. "Where is this place?"

In a flash of light, a giant red scroll appeared in midair and unraveled itself before Audre's eyes.


The words INTRO COMPLETE! suddenly appeared on the scroll. 

"What does intro complete mean?"

Just as Audre thought things couldn't get any weirder small fireworks appeared out of nowhere. The giant scroll suddenly closed and unraveled again. 

Quest Book Unlocked! 

Hold Out Hand To Claim Item!

Not knowing anything else to do, Audre held out her hands as the scroll instructed. Like magic, a small book materialized in Audre's hands. 

'This is kind of cool.'

The cover read Quest Book as the scroll had said. Without hesitation, Audre curiously opened the small book. The first page caught Audre by surprise. It was a skillfully drawn and colored picture of her running from the wild boars in the jungle. The following page showed her facing the Jaguar when he emerged from the bushed. The third page showed her falling from a tree. The book continued to show pictures of her adventures up until the point the Jaguar had taken her to his tree hole. 

Audre closed the book and looked at each side of the cover. "How does this book have all this?" She looked around the grassland, but there was nothing there but her, the floating scroll, and the now silent fireworks that were still going off around the scroll.

'It's like I'm inside some strange video game!'

She reopened the book and flipped past all the pictures. The page after the last image seemed to have some sort of instructions.

First Quest

You have suddenly Arrived in the Beast world and have been rescued by a handsome Jaguar Beast-Man. This new world is strange, but the strangest thing in this new world right now is you! In order to not stand out, you should acquire some animal skin clothes to blend in with the natives.

Quest: Acquire animal Skin clothes

Audre sighed after reading the quest. 'This is just like a video game.'


Audre felt herself laying on something warm and furry. It wasn't as fluffy as her usual blankets, but it was comfortable, nonetheless. 

She knew that she should wake up soon, but she was still tired and wasn't ready to go to class yet. Had she even finished her assignment last night? 

'Maybe I should take a sick day. I'm so exhausted.'

Audre rubbed her head into the warm fuzzy surface.

'Why do my blankets smell like the outdoors?'

Audre groggily opened her eyes and look down at the odd black blanket. When had she gotten a black blanket with leopard spots? She looked up and was temporarily blinded by something wet and prickly that moved across her face and smelled like rotten fish.

Why Am I In the Beast World?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang