Chapter 26- Good People

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     "I can't quite explain pants to you." Audre sighed. "It is what you see."

     Audre had hardly gained any info from the curious females. She had barely managed to learn their names.

     She had found that fierce-looking tiger female's name was Prema. Overly Curious and bubbly was the female wolf Cora, who had warm brown skin and a head full of curly brown locks. Mailey was the dainty-looking lioness with long sandy brown hair and dark freckles that dotted her face, shoulders, and arms.

     They never actually introduced themselves, but Audre had managed to learn them with their flurry of questions and comments to each other.

     "She's so odd Prema?" Cora had said as she finally gave Audre a little space.

    "I seem to get that a lot here," Audre said.

     "Maybe we're just having trouble understanding you," Prema said. "Can you tell us which tribe you're from? It's hard to tell?"

     Once again. It was that stupid question that Audre couldn't quite answer. "What tribe do you think I'm from?"

    'Maybe this way I can fake a tribe that I'm most similar to.'

     "You don't need to know that." The Jaguar had appeared beside Audre and placed his arm around her.

     'Why did he feel the need to butt in now!'

     The Jaguar had left her alone to talk to the females till that moment.

     Audre shoved his arm away. "Don't be rude," she said before turning back to the girls. "I don't really remember. I fell out of a tree and hit my head."

     'There goes my plan to blend into a tribe.'

     "You let your female fall out of a tree! What kind of male are you?" The person who spoke was a young bear beast man. And when Audre looked around, she found that males now surrounded her.

     "Look at her arm." said a male from the wolf tribe. "He isn't even her mate."

     "Forget that Jaguar little female. If you choose me, I'll make sure you'll never be injured again."

     "No, choose me! I'm an amazing hunter, and you'll always be well-fed," said another male.

     The Jaguar wrapped his arms around Audre, hugging her tightly to his chest. And he gave a loud threatening growl that bordered on roar as more males began to surround them. "Get away from her. She's, my mate!"

     Despite this outburst, the males didn't go away. "You don't deserve her. You can't even keep her safe."

     Chaos was beginning to unfold, and Audre could feel the crowd crushing in on her. That's when the three females Audre had been talking to formed a protective circle around her and the Jaguar.

     "Do you think that a female will just accept you if you harass her like this," Prema shouted. "Give her some space."

     "You'll all have your chance at the mating rites ceremony. So back off!" Cara growled at one of the males.

     At first, it did not seem that the crowd of single males would listen, but that quickly changed when the three females were joined by their mates.

     Males of various tribes appeared and stood by their females; growling and attacking anyone who came close to them.

     Realizing that they no longer had a chance against the small army of males that now protected them, the crowd of single males quickly dispersed.

     Mailey turned to Audre, her face full of concern. "Are you alright?"

     "Yeah. I'll be fine." Audre said as she wriggled free from the Jaguar's arms.

     Audre was very grateful to this group of females she had just met. They may not have quite understood her, but they were good people. 

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