Chapter 30- Little Sleeping Female

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Note From the Author: This is another filler chapter written for my enjoyment. I hope you all like it as well.


Vadon POV- the Night Audre Arrived in The Village


      The trees swayed gently, pushed by a cool breeze, and the moon shone brightly overhead. The sound of small critters could be heard chirping and ticking throughout the jungle. The night seemed calm. It should've been.

     Vadon jumped out of the brush and crushed the skull of the wolf beast-man before the wolf could even notice his presence.

     'Why tonight of all nights?' Vadon thought as he cast the corpse aside. 'Why did they have to attack tonight? The night I brought home a female?'

     Vadon could hear more wandering beast-men drawing near the upper village. Vadon headed toward the sound, but by the time he arrived Ryker and Callian were finishing them off. The two were covered in the blood of various beast-men and had a few slight wounds, but other than that they seemed fine.

     "That's the last of them. The others retreated." Callian said as he turned back into his orc form. "I'll place more males on guard and have the area scouted to be sure though."

     Vadon turned into his orc form as well. "Good, I'll be off then."

     Vadon turned to leave. After all, he had someone waiting for him.

     Unfortunately, he was stopped by Callian. "Not so fast Vadon. I could use your help in scouting the area."

     Vadon looked back annoyed. A growl threatened to come up from his chest.

     Ryker chuckled at seeing Vadon's face. "Callian let him go. Didn't you hear he brought back a female?"

     First Callian frowned, then his eyes lit up in realization before he sighed and shook his head. "I'd forgotten with the attack and all. Sorry, you should head back to your female. I heard that she was also injured."

     'Seems like everyone already knows.'

     "Thanks, I'll be heading back," Vadon said as he began to leave.

     "Wait. Look at yourself." Ryker said. "Do you want to frighten the female?"

    Vadon looked down at himself. He was covered in dirt and blood from the fight like the others was.

     'I can't go back like this!'

     Vadon ran off toward the river. "I have to go wash off this blood."

     The sound of rushing water filled the air as Vadon approached the river. He dipped his hand into the cool water and began scrubbing away at his bloodstained skin. He fought to wash off the blood as quickly as possible, but some of the blood had dried and stuck to his skin.

     'Even dead these wandering beasts try to keep me from my female.'

     Slowing down, Vadon took his time scrubbing the dried blood from off his body. There was no use in hurrying back only to frighten his small female.

     Once he was content that he had washed away all the blood, he ran back to his tree where his Audre was. It felt as if the distance from the river to his tree was an eternity away, but when he arrived home, he felt as if it was an eternity worth waiting for.

     Many males wish for a female to come home too, and many will wish it for their whole lives. As for him, his wish was granted, and his wait was over.

     Vadon removed the leaves covering the tree hole and found his little female sleeping. She was curled up, holding tightly to her strange bag as she lay near the entrance. The moonlight shined gently on her face. Her breath came soft and slow as she slept.

     'Was she waiting for me?'

     He brushed his fingers gently down her cheek, stopping at her round chin. "I'm home my little female," he whispered before planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

     He carefully removed the bag from her grasp, before carrying her over to the grass bed. He laid her down gently before transforming into his beast form and curling around her to keep her warm.

     Audre began to stir a little in her sleep, and for a moment Vadon had thought he may have woken her up. But the female merely turned and snuggled closer to his belly before falling back into a deep sleep.

     Vadon chuffed in contentment as he cuddled with his little female.

     'This is nice.' 

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