Chapter 22- Troublesome Spy

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      "Why don't you want to take me?" Audre said.

     The Jaguar had made excuse after excuse as they ate their meal. Now that they were done and had cleaned up, he was trying to leave out alone without telling her why he was refusing to take her to the heart of the village.

     The Jaguar grabbed Audre's small notebook. "What do you mean, I'm going out to gather the last plant that you needed."

     Audre had drawn pictures of the plants that she needed for her quest so that the Jaguar could help look for them, but he only really searched for them when he went out to hunt. "You're just making an excuse."

     "I'm not." The Jaguar insisted, but Audre was not letting him go that easily.

     Audre walked over to the tidy grass bed and grabbed her backpack before slinging it over her shoulder. "Then I'll go with you to help you search."

     "There isn't any need to." The Jaguar said, but he had refused to look Audre in her eyes. "It may be dangerous, and you may not have fully recovered."

     Audre smiled menacingly. "I'll be fine, besides if you go off to look by yourself, I'll just search on my own as well."

     The Jaguar's eyes widened in terror at the thought of it. "You can't do that! That would really be reckless!"

     "Then I guess I better go with, huh?" Audre strolled past the Jaguar, who looked as if he were about to pull out his hair.

     Audre walked on ahead into the jungle until she eventually heard the grumbling and footsteps of the Jaguar jogging up behind her.

     She slowed her pace to allow the Jaguar to catch up, although she knew that it was unnecessary. "So, where's the inner village?"

     "We're not going there." the Jaguar said as he sped up his pace.

     Audre fought to keep up with the Jaguar. "And why not!? We gotta go there eventually." Audre dropped her voice to a whisper. "Besides if we don't, won't they get suspicious?"

     The Jaguar began to walk faster seemingly to avoid the conversation. "We'll think about that later. What's the name of the plant you are looking for?"

     Audre was practically jogging to keep up. "Heart Flower. Why are you trying to keep me away from the inner village? People already know I'm here."

     "I've heard of heart flowers. Never actually seen them before." The Jaguar said, dodging the question. "May take all day."

     "The book says that they grow in groves near water. We can check near the river." Audre knew that the flower was rare. At least that's what the book said, but it still annoyed her that the Jaguar was dodging her question.

     The Jaguar slowed to a stop. "Oh, the river, huh?"

     "Something wrong?" Audre asked.

     "No," The Jaguar was clearly lying. "The river is back this way. Let's go."

     The Jaguar turned around and began walking back in the direction they had just come from.

     Audre didn't follow. "You're going back to the tree hole!"

     "Now, what's with all this noise."

     Audre was startled by the sudden new voice. Stepping out from amongst the trees was a tall man with a dark tan complexion and long brown braided hair. From the spotted ears and tail, he looked to be a leopard beast-man.

     "Ryker." Audre guessed.

     "That's me." The sly leopard sauntered over to Audre.

     Before Audre could fully blink the Jaguar was suddenly at her side, and she could feel his hostility toward the leopard. "What brings you here?"

     "Just checking on our newcomer by orders of the Chief." The leopard spoke nonchalantly, clearly unbothered by the Jaguar.

     When the leopard had gotten close, the Jaguar placed himself between Audre and the leopard. "You can tell the Chief that she is just fine."

     The Jaguar's tail flicked back and forth as he glared at the Leopard, and Audre could hear a low growl coming from the Jaguar's chest.

     From physique alone, the Jaguar looked more formidable than the leopard and even taller, but the leopard seemed much more powerful just by the confidence he exuded. He didn't look to be threatened at all, but rather, he seemed amused by the Jaguar's actions.

     The leopard ignored the hostile Jaguar and looked to Audre. "I overheard that you two are headed to the river. I'm going there as well, so I'll accompany you."

     "We'll go alone." the Jaguar said before Audre could answer.

     The leopard's lips quirked up into a smile. "Oho, but you two are headed the wrong way. Perhaps you need guidance?"

     'I knew that Jaguar was going back to the tree hole.'

     "And what about this heart flower you two are looking for?" The leopard continued. "It seems that you can use more people looking for it."

     "You were listening!?" Audre asked.

     'Just how much did he hear?'

     "I wasn't spying. I just so happen to overhear." The leopard said with mock sincerity.

     "We don't need your help." The jaguar grabbed Audre's hand and began walking away, seemingly toward the river this time.

     Audre thought that the interaction was over, but the leopard was not finished speaking. "I see that the two of you have not become mates. Any reason as to why?" 

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