Chapter 31- The Chief's Mates

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     "What going on over there?" Audre asked as she pointed down at a group of beastmen busy at work.

     "They're crafting weapons to defend the tribe," Vadon answered.

     Taking a steady step forward, Audre attempted to get a closer look. Everything looked so small from the top of the tall tree. The houses looked like toy huts and beast-men looked like a bustling colony of ants.

     The huts were precariously placed in a semicircular pattern with a large one that looked to be still under construction a little outside of the basic pattern. "What's over there?"

     "Oh, that? That's where the village doctor takes care of the injured." The Jaguar said as he wrapped his arm protectively around Audre's waist. "It's bigger than the rest of the huts because sometimes the injured must stay there a few days."

     Audre turned her head to look at the Jaguar. "Does Juno live there too?"

     The Jaguar shook his head. "No, but she lives nearby."

     "Oh, I just assumed the injured visited her home. "Audre said.

     "Males don't like other males to enter their home territory, so they had to build a separate place to take care of the injured." The Jaguar explained. "Somewhere separate from their home territory."

     "Oh, I see," Audre said nodding. "Is that why you were so angry when the Chief brought her mates to visit us that time?"

     "Yeah." The Jaguars laughed nervously. "I also didn't want them to take you away from me."

     "Hmmm, figures," Audre said as she side-eyed the Jaguar. Honestly, what was she going to do with him? "What about that building over there that beast-men keep bringing food to."

     "That's the food storage. All males must help replenish the supply so the village can survive the cold seasons." The Jaguar said proudly.


     'Well, it seems they know how to preserve food. That's good.'

     Audre looked back out across the village and saw various beast men patrolling the outskirts. "I'm guessing those are guards."

     "You're right. No one leaves or enters the village without their notice." Vadon explained. "They are stationed at various parts of the village, and they all report to Callian."

     "He's that wolf beast that showed up with the Chief right? One of her mates?"

     Vadon nodded. "Yes. Callian is her first and strongest mate. He is also the strongest male in the village."

     "Okay, what does Ryker do? Besides spying on us of course."

     "He is the second most powerful in the village. He specializes in gaining information about things outside the village along with Mika, a cheetah beast-man."

     'This is some pretty good info. Should've asked sooner.'

     "Alright," Audre said, tapping her chin. "Who are the Chief's other mates and what do they do?"

     "What makes you so curious so suddenly? Planning on staying?" The jaguar asked her. His tone was filled with both hope and worry.

     'What is he thinking?'

     Audre jabbed her elbow into Jaguar's side, although he didn't seem to notice her little attack. "Of course, I'm not staying. I just need to gain as much information as possible."

     "Oh." he chuckled. "Well, I can tell you everything I know."

     "Among the Chief's other mates are Andrew. He's the guard beast-man you saw when we were coming into the upper village. Do you remember?" Vadon asked.

     "Yep. He's that stone-faced beast-man we saw."

     "Stone-face? Never mind I'm not going to ask," he said shaking his head. "Anyway, another one of her mates is a bear beast-man named Joshua, he's head over crafting weapons and knives made from stone and bone materials. Then there are Rhys and Koda, they are both wolf beast-men. Koda takes care of the Chief's cubs. Rhys is the village priest."

     "Alright," Audre said nodding. "Is there like a temple here?"

     "No, but we do have a stone altar dedicated to the Beast Goddess where we pray and bring sacrifices." The Jaguar stated proudly.

     "oh" Audre said in a small voice. "ok."

     'Do I really want to ask?'

     "Then there is Sephis, he's a fox beast that specializes in making stoneware." The Jaguar continued. "Then there is Lennox and Misha. They are two lion beasts who typically lead a group of beast-man outside the village to trade for herbs, salt, medicine, and other necessities. Although recently we lost our goods from our last trip when the wandering beast banded together and stole what was traded before the group of beast-man made it back to the village. Many beastmen in that group were killed in that attack. Lennox made it back alive, but Misha went missing."

     "Missing? How do they know he isn't dead?" Audre asked.

     'I mean what are the chances he's alive?'

     "The Chief knows that he isn't dead because she still has his spousal mark. If he were dead the mark would disappear." said the Jaguar.

     "How long has he been missing?"

     "About a lunar cycle. Many villagers along with her mates have been trying to persuade her to abandon him." There was a tinge of anger and sadness in the Jaguar's voice. "Even though being abandoned is a fate worse than death."

     Audre looked back at the Jaguar. "Worse than death? What happens to them?"

     "They turn into a feral." There was an underlying growl as he spoke as anger filled more of his voice.


     "A feral is a beastman that has lost his mind. All ferals are doomed to die eventually, as they go on a killing spree until they eventually drop dead. It mainly happens when a spousal contract is broken and the magic that binds them turns against the beast-man."

     Audre frowned. "They would do that because he went missing? He's still out there!"

     "Yeah, but with so few females in the village, many males see this as an opportunity." The Jaguar explained. "And her mates naturally dislike Misha because he is the most loved by the Chief."

     "So, they would have him abandoned out of jealousy. How callous can they be?" Audre shook her head in disappointment.

     'Maybe it's the others who should be abandoned.'

     "Come to think of it, maybe that's why the chief was so quick to see you." the Jaguar said, tilting his head. "With you here, it gives Misha more time to return." 

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