Why Am I In the Beast World!?

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     Breathing hard, Audre frantically pushed through the jungle brush, running as fast as her legs could take her. From the rustling behind her, she could tell that they were right on her tail. Where was this place? How did she end up here!?

     She had just been walking to her car from her college campus. It was just another tired afternoon when the concrete sloped under her feet and turned to crumbling dirt that sent her tumbling foreword. 

     When she picked herself up, Audre was surrounded by a dense jungle where she was met with not one, not two, but three wild angry boars! She may not have known what was going on but she did know one thing. If a boar lowered its tusk and stamped its feet, it was time to run.

     Now there she was, running for her life.  'Funny', she thought. This whole situation seemed familiar to her. Like she had seen this scenario before. 'Maybe in a movie? A book perhaps? Was this some kind of bizarre deja vu?' she thought. 'No, I would've remembered running for my life. Crazy what you would think about when you're about to be demolished by wild animals.'

     Audre could hear the angry beasts closing in behind her.  There was no outrunning them. Was this it? Just as the boars were about to close the gap, Audre heard a bloodcurdling roar that shook her down to her core and stopped both her and the boars in their tracks. 

     The underbrush shifted just ahead, and a black jaguar seemed to materialize and emerge from the brush. Audre could hear the boars squealing in retreat behind her. 

     She tried to imagine herself bravely facing off against this new threat, but fear won out in the end and she stood there frozen trying desperately not to mess her pants.

     The jaguar stocked toward her. 'Should I run?' She thought. 'No, a jaguar could outrun me easily. Would it ignore me if I stayed still? No, it's not blind you, idiot! It's coming right toward you! Do I make myself seem taller? No, that's for bears or something. Is this how it ends?'

     Just as Audre was about to accept her fate, the oddest thing happened. Again. The jaguar shifted and changed right before her eyes until a handsome dark-skinned man with long black curly hair stood before me. He had golden feline eyes and black jaguar ears and tail. 

     That's when it hit her. She had realized why this whole situation seemed so familiar. She had seen this happen many times in manhwa. Audre was in the beast world.

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