Chapter 17: Ash vs Olivia

Start from the beginning

Ash makes the first move of the battle as he pumps his fist and shouts "Trumbeak use quick attack." Trumbeak nods and flies towards Graveler while glowing with a faint white aura. The bird slams its body into the rock type Pokémon, pushing him back but ultimately not doing a whole lot of damage. "Use rock tomb," Olivia commands as Graveler summons a few boulders before hurling them towards Trumbeak.
"Use double team," Ash counters as Trumbeak summons copies of himself that are instantly deleted by the incoming rocks but protect the real Trumbeak.

"Now use aerial ace," Ash commands causing Trumbeak to rush towards Graveler while emanating with a light blue aura. "Thunder punch," Olivia counters while Graveler clocks his fist back sparking with electricity. The two attacks clash together and cause both Pokémon to stagger back towards their trainers. Olivia smirks lightly and says "Use rollout." Graveler curls himself into a ball and rolls forward towards the flying type Pokémon. "Dodge it quick," Ash yells, Trumbeak hears his trainers call and quickly flys away from the incoming rollout. "Keep it up Graveler," Olivia commands with a small smirk. Graveler continues rolling around and turns his sights towards Trumbeak again. Ash grits his teeth and yells "dodge it again ." Trumbeak nods and once again barley dodges the incoming attack.

In the stands Kiawe says in a monotone "This looks bad for Ash." Mallow tilts her head in confusion and says "What do you mean Kiawe."

"Rollout is a move that only gets stronger the more it's used. If Ash doesn't stop it soon then I'm afraid he'll be at a severe disadvantage."

Back on the battlefield Graveler rolls forward again and this time smacks his massive body into Trumbeak causing the bird to cry out in pain and smash into the ground. Ash gasps and shouts "Are you okay Trumbeak." Trumbeak struggles and manages to drag himself back up to his feet. "End this Graveler," Olivia yells, Graveler continues his rollout attack and swings back around to Trumbeak again. Ash knows that there is no way Trumbeak can take this attack and also no way he can continue to constantly dodge. He instead knows he needs to try something and try it fast.

"Trumbeak use steel wing to create a ramp." The crowd gasp in shock and confusion as Trumbeak flies towards the ground while turning his wings into pure steel. He digs it into the ground and angles himself diagonally. Graveler continues to roll forward towards Trumbeak and ramps straight over him clashing straight into the rock. The crowd cheer at the unusual manoeuvre as Graveler drags himself to his feet.

In the crowd Lille shouts "What innovation!" Kiawe chuckles "That's the Ash we know." Back on the battlefield both trainers shout "Let's wrap this up." Ash pumps his fist and shouts "Use steel wing." Trumbeak chargers forward while turning his wings into our steel. "Use thunder punch," Olivia shouts making Graveler clock his fist and slams it towards Trumbeak. The two attack clash and cause a huge explosion. Both trainers watch intently as they await the result of the explosion. As the smoke clears the pokemon come into view. On one side Graveler has a few marks on his body and pants slightly heavy. On the other side Trumbeak is laid out on the floor with swirls in eyes. The referee exclaims "Trumbeak is unable to battle, Graveler is the winner."

Olivia celebrates and praises Graveler as the crowd cheers at the hometown favourite taking an early lead. In the crowd Lillie frowns and says "I never thought Trumbeak would lose." Mallow adds "It's the first time I've seen Ash behind in a battle." Kiawe finishes "That's true but there's still a long way to go yet."

Ash returns the fainted Trumbeak to the pokeball and turns it towards his face. "You were awesome Trumbeak, take a good rest." He returns the pokeball to the his belt and looks up at Olivia who exclaims "Is that really all you got. I must admit I expected a little more." Ash smirks and says "You haven't seen anything yet." He looks at his trusted partner and nods before shouting "Pikachu I choose you." Pikachu leaps onto the battlefield and spark his cheeks ready for action. Olivia smiles knowingly and remarks "That's more like it."

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