"W-where are you?",I question through my fast breaths.

"Right here!", The voice replies but I don't see anyone.

"Right where?!?", I scream as frustration starts building up inside of me, I just wanted this person to be more specific.

"Behind you!", I turn around as I heard those words but I see nobody behind me and I frown in confusion.

"Next to you!", The voice says again and I turn my head to the right.


"On your left!", I look to my left side , my movements fast.


"Above you!", The voice says again and I lift my head so fast, that I almost hurt my neck while doing so.

But yet again...


"Below you!", The voice screams and I look down and my eyes widen.


I groan in frustration and I want to scream at the voice for playing with me, but before I can, I feel my feet lift from the surface that I was standing on and I was suddenly floating in the darkness.

I started screaming in horror as this happens and I close my eyes , hoping that this is not real.

But everything stops for a moment and I notice that I am not floating anymore and that I am standing on ground, so I open my eyes , slowly and cautiously.

I see that there is a man standing in front of me , with their back turned towards me and I stand up and look at the strange man.

"H-hello?", I say and he slowly turns around to reveal his face and my eyes widens.


"A-Alex, oh my God, what are you-", I try to form a simple sentence , but I failed to do so as a sob escapes my lips and tears fill my vision.

Alex tilts his head while he looks at me and finally smiles at me , walking to me.

"Don't cry Jessi, you should be happy", he says as he wraps his arms around me as I cry with my face in my hands.

He feels so warm and comfortable and he smells like the sea, so fresh and good.

"Alex, please forgive me", I whisper as I wipe my tears , but as I do so, more comes streaming down my face.

"Jessi , what are you saying?, my death has absolutely nothing to do with you, it wasn't your fault", he says while he hugs me even tighter, making me feel more of his warmth.

"Y-yeah but I could've h-helped you, I could've tried to c-convince Alian not to k-kill you", I sob out, while trembling.

"There was nothing you could've done, I completely understand", he says while letting me go and I look into his eyes, they looked so alive, but...

Oh how I wish that I could turn back time and prevent you from dying.

"All I want you to do is live a happy life, don't think about me , okay?", He says and I shake my head.

"A-Alex, I-", I tried saying but I noticed him slowly disappear and I tried grabbing onto him, but I couldn't.

"Alex wait!", I scream.



He was already gone but I hadn't apologized to him the right way yet.

"Jessi!", It was the little voice from earlier again and I looked around me to see anything but nothing could be seen.






I opened my eyes at the voice and saw a lady looking down at me, her face looking worried.

"What?", I questioned confused on why she had just woken me up so aggressively.

"I was ordered to call you because Mr Derick was looking for you , but when I came to you, you were crying and screaming and I got really worried, it seems that you had a really bad nightmare", she says and I realize that I my face was wet because of the tears, so I wiped my face.


"Did you say that Mr Derick was looking for me?", I question.

"Yeah , but are you o-", she tried finishing but I jumped up and ran inside the mansion where Derick was waiting for me, not caring about the fact that it looked like I had been crying.

I rushed my way to the living room, since it was my first guess and that it was obvious that he would probably be there.

And when I arrived at the living room , out of breath because of the running , I saw the one man that I have been hoping to see this whole week...


I smiled at him as his gaze lifted to mine , but he didn't smile back, instead his facial expression was filled with a bit of worry and I couldn't blame him because I had just woken up from a nightmare where I was literally screaming and crying like a madman.

I didn't wait for him to say anything as I ran up to him and hugged him tightly and he immediately hugged my back while chuckling, "Missed me so much?", He questions and I just hugged him tighter as a signal.

Now don't go on and think that I'm some clingy ass bitch that doesn't know what to do with his life, I don't even know why I got so excited to see him , I just did the first thing that came to mind , and it also felt good...

"I missed you too", Derick whispers in my ear and his hot and husky voice sends shivers down my spine.

Before I could lean in for a kiss, I heard someone clear their throat... A woman.

I let go of Derick and looked at him, confused but he only gave me a slight smile before moving out of the way, so that I could see the woman.

When I looked at the woman that was standing right there, I didn't know what to do.

So I just stood still and stared at her while she smiled at me.


"Long time no see, little brother"


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter!

I also hope that you guys are looking after yourselves and being kind to yourselves and others!

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