Killing Me Softly Pt.1

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It had been 3 weeks since Jacoby officially broke thing off with Yaina. And while he was trying to find his footing in this relationship, Connie and you had 2 very different approaches to welcoming him. Connie practically fawned over him and went straight full steam ahead whereas you and him went back to your relationship before you broke up with Jaylen. Sneaky flirting, dirty talk, sexual gestures but y'all didn't have to hide anymore so you could always reciprocate. But something about it felt off. You felt Jah was acting a little different and you couldn't tell if it was good different or bad different.

But you could tell he was being distant with you. And you had a feeling why. After you and Jacoby had that talk, it was difficult to get him to do more than flirt with you. And the moments where things were a simple woos , like a kiss, would take you over. Because as soon as your lips touched you felt fireworks lit up in your heart and you would gravitate towards his center, but he always disconnected before letting you get there.

And the time where things got really heated, while Eugene was outside with Yoshii and the guys and y'all had a small break, y'all met back in Connie's room and things got twisted into a make out session. And the Jacoby you knew wouldn't have given a damn and fucked you straight up on Connie's desk, but this Jacoby, he held back as soon as he lifted your shirt and you tensed. After that he didn't say anything and just kissed you, fixed himself, and left.

He had no problems with his intimacy with Connie, they took turns fucking eachother whenever they got the chance. Although you didn't have a problem with it, it just made you feel a tiny bit left out. You heard stuff like this could happen in polyamorous relationships but you knew that none of y'all knew exactly how to fix it, after all y'all were new to it, so you figured you'd find your own way.

By the time y'all had reached the next arena in the Grand Prix in Atlanta, a slightly smaller raceway due to the racers being split, they gave y'all a day off. You decided you wanted to voice your concerns and make sure there wasn't anything going on that they hadn't told you. Jah, you could kinda get, but Connie, y'all just barely had the time.

During work, Jah gets to see Connie all the time, going to his office, checking things off with him. Anytime you see Connie, it's always go time, whether it's the main team racing, you working on mechanics so you can't clock out till late, or him being too busy around the track so he can't clock out till late. And when you do see him and get to sit with him and shit, it's cus he specifically took time out to help you get better at racing. And when his mind is on racing, changing the subject isn't gonna work.

You wish you knew how to tell them how you were feeling but you learned so far in your journey with them that you're not the best communicator. And that you needed to work on learning to be comfortable with being vulnerable around your significant others.

So, you decided to leave Eugene over with Yoshii, whos plan was to be in his room all day and catch up on some movies, instead of leaving Eugene with emotionally distraught mother who hadn't exactly been around unless needed, and spend the day with them.

You unlocked the door to Jacoby's room and headed in since he and Connie gave you and extra keycard to their rooms and put your stuff down that you needed for the day. It was 6 am so you knew they were still asleep, it was Saturday after all and they were hungover after getting drunk as they tried to keep you company over FaceTime while you worked on cars.

Although they fell asleep, you appreciated the fact they woke up when you called them at 3 AM to help you stay up. You told them you would be there after you finished although you doubt they heard you, considering they was half asleep. After you was done with the cars you washed up in your room, took Eugene to Yoshii's, and headed there.

When you went into Jah's room, you saw him and Connie cuddled up together, Jacoby being big spoon, Connie being little spoon. You were tired your damn self so you decided to see if you could fit on the bed. You tried laying beside Connie but you couldn't even doze without your butt pulling you off the bed. You tried to spoon with Jacoby but he has a thing against being in the middle. After trying again and again, you got a little frustrated and got up to go sleep on the couch.

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now