Ave'w: Letting Go

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TW: Assault

Yall ended up finding Yaina after a few hours... well more like she came back after a few hours. They didn't need her till 12 and she didn't come back till 12. She explained that she waited until she thought Eugene was asleep to leave so she could go meet up with someone. That was quite obviously a lie but nice try.

She said she hadn't planned to be out for as long as she was but at that point it was what it was. At least she came back on time for work. You didn't know how he was gonna break the news to Yaina that he with you and Connie now, but that means NO.MORE.FUCKIN. and that also meant you better not catch her lookin at him any kinda way.

Considering their jobs, they would still be working in close proximity with eachother so knowing him he would break it more gently than you would've wanted him to but as long as he made it CLEAR you decided not to complain.

The day ended, you went with the other racers to conferences as they showed you the ropes around interviews and handling the media. You also raced with some of the old heads, who told you that you had a natural talent for it. Even though you came in 7th out of 11th place. And you ate they dust too, they was rounds ahead of you.

But at least you got 7th you thought. You knew that time you raced  Eren, Yoshii, and Connie were going real easy on you, Cus they was up there exchanging places with racing legends. So when Yoshii came in 3rd after sticking Connie to his rear Connie came in 4th and Eren came in 6th cus he was dealing with someone else entirely. You were happy that you had at least had some practice.

When you went back to your room for the night, Jacoby had one thing to do before he could join you, Eugene, and Connie. He had to tell Yaina what's up.

So he took her to his room and let her lounge as he made them dinner. He didn't talk while he was cooking, but he didn't rush any of it cus he still cared for her. But he had to let her go. It was a must.

Salmon with asparagus and mashed potatoes. He made enough for you, Yolanda, Connie, and Eugene to have some too. He told yall he'd save you a plate. You responded by telling him to save you some of Yaina's tears to sip on.

He plated their meal, and placed it on the table in front of Yaina, who also sat there quietly. He chose to sit next to Yaina although there were 5 other places he could've sat.

Yaina, concerned with the silence, attempted to hold Jah's hand. Jah instantly let his hand slip from her fingers and put it on his lap as he faced her.

"Jah? What's wrong? What's this about? Are you ok?" She asked, turning her body to face him. She put her hands on his lap, but he took it off and bit his lip. He wanted them to break bread before they broke it off.

"Where was you this morning? He asked her as he picked at his food. She thought of her response as she fixed herself in chair. "I was taking care of business... why, did you need me? I'm sorry my phone was off-"

"Your son needed you to wake him up this morning. And you promised Y/N you'd do that." He interrupted. Her face changed quickly but Jacoby changed his tone quickly. "But enough about that, it's in the past just don't do it again... I have something else I need to talk to you about." He said.

Jacoby's POV:

I poured us both some wine and adjusted my posture. In no universe was she going to take this lightly or kindly but I wanted to end this on good enough terms for the sake of Eugene. But for the sake of me, I don't take her hand or bow my head. All I have to offer her is a look in her eyes so she knows that this is something that I truly want.

I clear my throat. "Yaina
...I think we should part ways." I said to her. That's not how I wanted to say it, that's just how it came out. Before I could clarify, she slapped her hand on mine.

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