Love is Only a Feeling

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(TW: Mentions of Domestic Violence )

Connie came into the bathroom while you were in the shower. You opened the shower curtain to see who in they right mind is interrupting your woosah time. But by the time you saw him, his pants were already off and he was approaching you. "BOY." You said as he tried to get in with you. You didn't even look down to see if homeboy was still bricked up. Connie smiled. "It ain't nothing ian see before. Besides we can get to the kid faster this way." He said as he got in the shower behind you.

Connie kept quiet as you guys showered, while you ranted about Jacoby feeling the need to have to bring Yaina. You went into a spiral, complaining that he would bring her everywhere and that she would latch onto him like the leech she is. How y'all have grown up and that it was time to grow past her and how it was unfair that he keeps completely negating your feelings.

Connie did the occasionals nods and hums as he washed your body for you, since you were too lost in thought and anger to do it yourself. He let you mumble on until the both of your were squeaky clean. It didn't click in your brain that he washed you until he turned off the water and got out of the shower.

You looked at him confused. He chuckled at your expression. "Come on, get ready." He said, holding his hand out so you don't slip while trying to get out. You get out calmly as Connie hands you your towel. You squint and put your arms up. "Wrap it around me." You said. Connie laughed. "Yes ma'am." He said as he wrapped the towel around your body and made sure it was secure before you let your arms down and took off you shower cap.

You both began to brush your teeth in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Jaylen would never do this with you. JAH would, well he does, but he also talks way too damn much. So it was nice to have a little peace and quiet while you get ready and if you needed to vent just a quiet, open, listening ear.

You and Connie both finished getting ready and got out of the bathroom. Y'all headed to the living room to be greeted with everybody looking at the both of you with smirks on their face. "Mind your own business." You mumbled under your breath. While Connie began to talk with Yoshii you walked into the kitchen to see both Jacoby and Yaina flirting and kissing up on eachother. Yaina was dressed like she was going out somewhere. You raised a brow.

"Jacoby get ready or I'm leaving you." You said. Jacoby looked at you and instantly his whole mood changed. "I'm going. Go away." He said. You scrunched your brows. Yaina slapped Jacoby. "Jah Jah, don't be rude." She said. Jacoby rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said as he got off of Yaina and walked away.

Before you could leave the kitchen Yaina tugged at your shirt sleeve. You turned your head around. "What the fuck do you want?" You said. She lowered her head. "Eugene... is that what you named him? Is that what you named my son?" She asked. You turned around. "His name is Jacoby Eugene and yes. Why, do you have a problem with the name I picked?" You said stepping to her. She wasn't allowed to have a problem with it.

"N-no, it's beautiful. I just can't believe that after all these years I'll be able to see his face... with your blessing of course." She said as she looked up. She asked you that like Jacoby wouldn't just force your opinion out the window. "When we go there don't talk to him, don't even go near him. Just look at his face and go sit your ass in the car until we get him discharged for the day." You said. Yaina nodded.

You turned to leave again but she stopped you again. "I just wanted to let you know that there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about I did to Jacoby- or any of you for that matter. And I've never forgotten what I did to that child. And I thank you for picking up the pieces while I was gone, I'm glad I left both Jacoby and my son in your care. And I'm ready to step up, as a mother and as a girlfriend, so don't carry so much of the weight by yourself-"

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now