A Message from the Heart (NSFW)

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Despite your promises, you avoided Jacoby in person for the entire week. You only ever talked to him on the phone. And y'all only talked about trivial shit, like if you ate and work. You were still mad at Connie so you still had him blocked, not that he knew cus he never FUCKING CALLED TO CHECK. But you were able to meet you quota of 200 mph with Yoshii and Eren's support.

Jacoby avoided you too, no lie, cus he felt like all he was doing was worsening the situation by talking to you. Cus eventually y'all would have to access the fact that you said you were scared to be with him, which meant you had taken an interest in him romantically. Knowing that Jacoby only ever had eyes for Yaina.

Speaking of Yaina, she completely avoided you too after you aired out her business to everybody. She was a bit hurt that Jacoby didn't defend her, but she couldn't do nothing about cus she was wrong and she was scared you'd use her abandoning their son as leverage, which you would never but she doesn't know that.

And her being present in the time where you basically confessed that you wanted him, she began to pester Jacoby about a relationship. That's the one she would not share. Jacoby's heart. Jacoby dodged all her efforts but it was starting to become annoying.

Yolanda cussed the both of y'all clean out and threw a tantrum. She said for y'all to do that in the workspace was unprofessional. She threatened to tell Connie too, but you both convinced her not to do that. It would just cause more problems.

Thursday night, you were on FaceTime with Jah. They said Connie was coming back early since he finished with his responsibilities. Throughout the week you had saw him television and on your social media a lot. He was doing a lot of conferences, and interviews. He seemed so lowkey and humble on TV, much like how he was in real life. But when the list his accolades and successes, his wealth and charisma, it just makes him seem that much more far from you.

You had been on news outlets before. Nobody ever thought to remember your name though. They just referred to you by the aliases they gave you. "Ghost Rider" was the first one to come to mind. They said that you put a part of your soul in every engine you tampered with, almost like bringing it to life. But now you look back at those days like they were the glory days. You weren't even that old, but it had just been so long since your high school weekends.

"Huh? Connie's calling you?" You said as Jacoby's screen froze. "Yeah, hol up, Ima connect it." He said. You let him tap on his phone screen a couple times before he realized he couldn't connect y'all. "I blocked him, Jacoby. You talk to him, I'll see you tomorrow." You said. Jacoby let Connie go to voicemail and looked at you with a raised brow.

"Y/N. Now you know that was just Jean babbling. Connie's not avoiding you. You've seen him busy all week." Jacoby scolded. You rolled your eyes. "Then he can come clear it up tomorrow, I'm pretty Jean told him what he said to me. And even so, I can see the calls of people I've blocked. He ain't call me once." You said. Jacoby sighed.

"So your waiting for him to get back? So we can all talk?" Jacoby asked, sipping on a Caprisun in the kitchen. You shook your head. "Talk? There ain't nothing to talk about. I don't want a relationship with you or Connie, I'm simply not ready. Besides, you don't want to be with either of us because you only see as sex-" "Stop, you know it's more complicated than that. I see you both as more than that and you know it." Jacoby said. You looked at eachother for a hot minute before you heard Yaina's voice in the back.

You rolled your eyes and averted your eyes from the camera. Jacoby noticed and sighed. He hadn't exactly responded to your affections, but whenever you put it bluntly he said it was more complicated but never elaborated. Him asking if your waiting on Connie to come back to talk was probably him making a note to himself, saying he better come up with an answer before then.

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now