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I sigh, rubbing my paws against my face. It has been a long few days. Not with just all the kids freaking out, but parents calling the school demanding to know if their children were in danger and / or threatening to pull them from the school itself." My computer dings letting me know I got an email. Opening it up, I'm surprised to see it was an email from the council of Japan.

Addressed to Mr. Nezu. U.A principle.
This is senator of Japan R/N. This is the response we have received from the U.S.A senators, with the vice president and presidents signatures that they have looked into this issue.

This is in regard to the safety issue you made us aware of with a certain government facility named G.I.W. Also known as the Guys in white. We have looked into this issue and have uncovered a variety of very illegal and incriminating evidence that this particular organization has done. This organization has been ordered to cease all operations. They will be charged according to the law. We will keep in touch for the future if we have any more questions for the minor.

I stare at the email eyes wide. But we already received an email stating that the U.S.A government had no recognition of that agency ever existing and that we shouldn't believe a child. My heart pounds in my chest, thinking of all the reasons as to what this meant.

If the first email was a fake, who could have sent it and why? Who had the technology to hack my email to know I was asking such things. In a split second, everything was being peiced together, and my eyes widened, and my heart stopped. Picking up my phone, I immediately call the police station asking for the detective. After explaining it was urgent and we needed to meet, he agreed to come straight here.
In the meantime, I went to the teachers' dorms to find hizashi and Aizawa grading papers." Aizawa?" He looks up and upon seeing the look on my face stands. I sit at the table and tell him everything that just happened and what I thought was happening.

"The first email, I believe, was a trap. I think it was to anger Danny at the States enough to get him to attack. Only then would the U.S.A. see the G.I.W organization as something they needed. It's a trap all along. The GIW want Danny to attack so the United States will recognize them as a valid organization. It the only way they could get their hands on Danny without getting in trouble for it." I say. Both men state at me. Aizawa looked pale. Like drop dead pale and hizashi looked as if I had just ripped out his vocal cords. "We have to help the listener. We have to warn him! If he attacks the U.S.A, it will be a blood bath. Aizawa stands, grabbing hizashi to try and calm him down.

The detective arrives 10 minutes later. Nezu sits him down and explains everything he forlud out and what he believes is going to happen. By the end, his eyes are wide. He stands." Thank you for telling me this in person. As of right now, there's no telling who could be listening in or hacking the email. This is an emergency situation. We'll contact the heads of Japan and explain the situation. They need to get in touch with the states. Hold off on letting the students know what's going on until we have more information. "

Hizashi stands, making me look up to him tall form." How can we stay quiet about this. There's no time to launch an entire investigation. Danny will be there in a matter of days. What about bakugo? We need to tell him at least. He might be the only one to be able to stop Danny from the rampage that's about to ensue!" He says, staring the detective down.

"I need to talk to my superior about this before I can give you a definitive answer. For the time being, this can't leave this room. This could jeopardize everything." We all nod, knowing he's right. As soon as we're able to say something, I'm sending word to all the schools with security systems like ours. This could get uglier than we're ready for!

Leaving that room, Shota had to practically push me back to the teachers' dorms. I understood the reason, but none of this sat right with me. Getting to my room, I sit down while shota runs my bags as I couldn't hold back my frustrated tears." Shota, are we bad heroes?" He seems stunned." It's just how could we have let him go like that. We knew what his plans were from the start. We didn't like it, but we made no attempt at physically stopping him. The kids tried harder than we did. And now we're in this situation we're it's not just the danger of another continent but our own as well. We're heroes. We're supposed to protect people no matter the continent they live on." I sob clutching at the man's long shirt. He sad nothing at first. I'm just running my back and trying to calm me down the best way her knows how.

He pulls away to look me in the eyes." Hizashi, we are human. We all make mistakes and unfortunately thus is a big one all ud teachers made. We should have tried harder to stop him. We shouldn't have disclosed that information to him before finding out if it was accurate. But we didn't, and this is the mess we're in right now. But Danny is out there right now. He's still a kid. He's angry at the world and thinks what he's doing now is going to solve his problem. The only thing we can do right now is try to get in contact with him and keep the people here safe. We will deal with everything later. Right now, we need to keep everyone safe from the war that's about to break out!"

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