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The next few days go by quickly with nothing interesting happening. A routine was starting. Things were becoming easier. I was actualy starting to enjoy living again. I was making new friends and was even getting my grades up slowly. The sports festival was in a few weeks so all the teachers were trying to help the students prepare as much as possible.

I decided I wouldn't use my ghostly form. It may attract some unwanted attention. Such as the G.I.W or ghosts that do find their way here. I haven't seen many while I've been here in Japan. Most are very friendly and stay around to watch out for their families. Or the ghosts who do happen to spot me steer clear because of the ring of rage. That sight alone told them who I was and who I would be in the future.

I've made a lot of new friends in class 1A. Especially with mina and deku. They both remind me a lot of sam and Tucker to the point its almost painful.

Today was like any other day. Students were given free roam of the gym to help train, but a teacher had to be present to watch us and make sure nobody got hurt. I head to the locker room grabbing a clean UA gym uniform. Normaly I would change in the bathroom to prevent questions about my scars, but nobody was around. Well there wasent when I started to change. Bakugo and kirishima walk in and just stare at me questionably making me a bit self conscious." Bro your scars are so manly." Kirishima says with a closed eyed smile and a thumbs up, but I can tell they disturbed him a bit. Especialy the Y shaped scar on my chest. I mean I don't blame him.

Bakugo says nothing. I finish quickly heading out. I haven't really used any of my power in front of anyone yet. There hasn't been a need to. Plus it would raise some suspicion as to why I'm able to do all these things. Its already rare to see someone possessing the ability of two powers. Like Todoroki, but its classified as one quirk. Mine maybe, I could pull off the flying, Intangabilty, Invisibility, and my ectoblasts. Even thats pushing it.

I sigh heading over to a small corner to work on my push ups and sit ups. I do that for a while until uraraka comes over to me." Danny would you like to come train with us." She asks a hopeful smile on her face. I think for a minute before nodding. She goes to grab my hand when I yank it away." Sorry sweaty hands." I lie getting up. She just nods looking a bit hurt. I didnt want her feeling my skin. I'm far colder than the average human and would no doubt cause alarm.

We walk over to Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki. "So what's everyone working on?" I ask.

"Im working on becoming faster." Iida says making me nod." Im working on controlling my ice better." Todoroki says staring at me with an emotionless expression." Cool, cool." "Im working on suppressing my quirks power enough that every time I try using it I dont keep breaking my bones." I stare at him surprised. Oh my God Midoriya, you poor soul." Im working on holding my breath and keeping my quirk activated for as long as I can." Uraraka says making me smile. She was such a cheerful soul.

"What will you be working on Danny?" Uraraka asks looking curious. I think for a second." I guess I can work on my flying ability?" Midoriya stares at me confused." Why do say it like that? Do you possess more than one quirk, kinda like todoroki?" I nod." Yah I do, my quirks called ghost. It gives me the ability to possess the abilities of a ghost. So in a way its like having mini powers inside my quirk." They all stare at me stunned and amazed.

"Thats so cool Danny. You have to show us all your quirks." Midoriya says seemingly pulling out a notebook from nowhere and starting to write in it." He's right you have to show us." Uraraka says looking very excited. Todoroki and Iida nod in agreement.

I sweat drop." Ok, ok I will." Staying in human form I easily lift my feet from the ground and start flying. I fly around the room catching a few others attention. After a few minutes I float back down just hovering above the ground. I sit criss cross hovering. "That so cool Danny. Its so much cooler than my floating ability." She saying looking down. I shake my head." Uraraka thats simply not true. Your ability is amazing. You just need more practice with it, like you said. Ive had a lot of practice so I can use it more naturally." She smiles looking up." Thanks Danny." I nod.

I begin showing them all my basic powers leaving some out for basic reasons. Like my ghostly wail, my duplicating ability, possession, my ice core. Some things they just didn't need to know. It was fun, me and uraraka trained with our hovering/ flying quirks. She was getting better, but the human lungs can only hold onto so much air at a time before they have to breath again. Soon it was time to go to lunch. I wasnt very hungry so I stay behind working on the punching bag.

Slipping off the UA shirt leaving me in a white tank top I begin assaulting the punching bag. I think back to all that's happened in the last few weeks. I think about all the new friends I'm making, getting my grades up. Silently tears begin falling from my eyes when I realize that all this happiness cost me everything. It wasn't fair. Why did they have to die for my life to get better. How did it come to this? What reason did Sam and Tucker need to meet at the nasty burger so urgently? Why on that day? I thought by not cheating on the SAT test. Everything could have been avoided. But it still happened, it couldn't be avoided. Now I just need to avoid vlad for the rest of my human life.

As long as Clockwork is able to keep Dan maintained, I shouldn't have any issues with him. Which brings me back to the question of why Sam and Tucker both needed to meet with us so urgently? I had seen her only an hour prior to our final class letting out. I growl unconsciously punching the bag so hard it flies off the hook landing on the other side of the room.

I sigh, wiping my forehead. I hate the heat. I wish it was winter again.

Broken hero Danny Phantom/MHAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz