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Everybody else didnt pose as much a risk to me as the others. I dont know about mina though. Not unless she spat her acid or something at me. I dont know.

Gym soon ends. I head to the locker room to shower and get dressed. Turning the nice cold water on i sigh feeling a refreshed feeling wash over me. I hate being in the heat or anywhere remotely near it. Especially for someone's whos body temperature is at a constant 40 degrees. Hopefully I never have to go to the nurse. That will be one hell of a story to explain. If it wasn't for the few beats a minute my heart decided to make itself known by, anyone would think I was dead. Well I was, but only half way. I quickly wash up before getting out.

I get dressed in my hoodie and a pair of jeans. I grab my bag. Exiting the gym I see Mr. Aizawa standing off to the side." Before I have a chance to ask him what he's doing hes already up talking to me." Every Monday, and Wednesday ive scheduled you to meet with our school therapist/ counselor." Well shit.

I close Fenton, Daniels file. It was a large file. Not much is known about the kid except from what Aizawa and Toshinori told me about. And the bits and pieces I was able to find out from the internet and his last school. I was able to pull his recently deceased sisters file as well. She apparently saw a therapist regularly despite studying to be one herself. From what I could conclude before even meeting the kid is that his parents spent all their time in their makeshift lab doing experiments avoiding their kids for days on end. When they did make themselves known it was always to show off their new invention which for some reason always went off around young Daniel, harming him in some way.

Which made sense from what Aizawa and Toshinori said about the living room looking the way it did. One thing I was interested in was. In Ms. Fentons file it stated that sometimes the food in their house would come alive and try to eat them instead. Now that was interesting. Something I've never heard of before. I have a feeling this case is going to be a bit more difficult and sensitive to handle than the average case. I mean each file should be handled with the upmost respect and care, these are children's lives and memories we are handling.

One thing I am curious about though is on his file for quirk it just just says ghost with a N/A for description. Ive never seen a file like that before.

Theres a knock on the door. I quickly close the files sticking them in my drour before saying come in. In walks Mr. Fenton and Aizawa. I stand greeting them both with a smile. I was wearing my suit jacket and pants over my hero outfit. My hero outfit would be highly inappropriate for such a sensitive setting.

Aizawa leaves and I have Mr. Fenton take a seat." Before we start is there a name you would like to be referred by other than Mr. Fenton?"

" Before we start is there a name you would like to be referred by other than Mr. Fenton?" I nod." Dannys fine." She nods smiling. Now it is protocol that I tell you. Everything you tell me in this room is confidential, But if you tell me your planning to hurt yourself or someone else. I will have to have you baker Acted. Do you understand?" I nod "Yah I do." She smiles." Now ive read your file Danny and I want you to tell me if we get to a topic where your not comfortable with talking about it yet. We will move on. I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about these things." I nod. This lady in a way reminded me of jazz. She was a kind person who just wanted to help.

"Lets start off with copping methods for today. When your upset what do you do that helps you calm down and cope with your feelings?"

Cope with my feelings. I never really thought about it before. I was just mostly fighting off ghosts, ranting off to my friends or sometimes writing in my journal. I couldnt really tell her though that I took a lot of my anger out on fighting ghosts.

"Um well I used to rant to my friends or write in my journal. My sister gave it to me saying it was healthy to get my emotions out instead of bottling them all up." She nods smiling." Yes thats a very wise thing your sister taught you. Writing down out emotions or talking amount them can relieve stress and anxiety from the body, even if we don't realize it. Do you have anymore? I know some people listen to music or carry around something that helps them calm down when needed." I shake my head. "No, I don't have a phone or device. So I can't listen to music. I have my sisters bear that she loved, but I cant carry that around. If someone found out I'd be the laughing stock of the entire school." She sighs.

"Danny this school is a prestigious school of highly qualified students who worked hard to get here. Most of them arnt willing to throw that away. We have a strict no bullying policy at all. If caught the punishment will be severe. If anyone gives you any trouble please bring this to our attention so it can be properly handled." I nod a small smile on my face." What about that bakugo kid then? Hes always yelling at people saying how stupid they are or to get out of his way. He even calls midoriya, useless all the time. Hence the nickname deku, which he for some unknown reason chose to be his hero name."

Midnight sighs sitting back." As I cant discuss any specifics with you about another student I can tell you that we are working on that." She says looking at the clock on her desk." Oh my wow, I didnt realize how late it was getting. We ran over our time for today. It was nice meeting you Danny. I will see you on Wednesday. I will talk with Aizawa about getting something for you to help with your coping mechanisms. For the time being though. Keep writing in your journal." I smile nodding.

I leave the office walking back to the classroom. Aizawa was working on papers and grading assignments. He looks up at me when the door opens." How did it go? Do you like midnight?" He says starting to pack up the papers. I shrug." It was nice, I guess. She reminds me of my sister in a way. She's very kind and made it clear she didn't want to overstep any boundaries until I was ready." He nods." Midnight is a wacky woman, but when it comes down to her job, she takes it very seriously. As every therapist should. She's great at what she does." He says, making me smile. Nice to know im in good hands.

"Its getting late. Why dont we stop somewhere and get something to eat on the way home." I smile." Thanks Mr. Aizawa!" He looks up surprised." What for?" I just smile." Just... for everything."

He looks back down finishing up putting everything away." No problem, Danny."

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