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Parking the car, we walk to the park entrance. Danny was practically radiating happiness. We get out tickets and walking in. We grab a park map and start walking around. Danny really wanted to ride the Attack on titan ride and the demon slayer ride, so we road those first. Me and hizashi were having as blast as well. We stop for lunch after a couple more rides. Getting in line Danny suddenly was silent and looked sad." What's wrong danny?" He fidges with his fingers." I'm dead. You shouldn't waste your money on buying me food." I pat his head." Think about it like this Danny. You may consider yourself dead. But nobody else does. Your still a teen that needs food. Besides if that answer doesn't suffice you just think about it as making up for lost time." His smile comes back and he hugs me." Get whatever you want, it's on hizashi this time!" He smiles wide nodding. He picks out a hamburger, some fries and a pickle. The look on his face as he sat down and started eating his food was pure enough to melt iron.

Hizashi and I sit and eat our food too. We tell jokes and laugh. After we go on some more rides. They had a cool space ride Danny like the most. He wanted to ride it 4 more times after." You really liked the space ride Danny." Hizashi says patting his back. Danny nods looking away slightly." When I was younger it was my dream to be an astronaut."

It was my turn to frown." Its not anymore?" He sighs." I can't go to space with my well being." I frown again stoping Danny from walking." Danny, you lived in a small town away from civilization with advanced technology and quirks. Almost anything is possible nowadays. If you want to be an astronaut. We can help you study. We can make it happen." He stares at me. Before nodding.

"I would like that please." Hizashi ruffles his hair." We'll do that then." He nods.

We spend a few more hours riding more rides. We had a blast. We played games went to a few shows. Danny even pushed hizashi and I into a photo booth. The pictures came out great. It warmed my heart to know Danny accepted my partner hizashi. Especially after all the abuse both hizashi and I have taken in the past for our sexual preferences. Not that I really minded anymore, but it was still nice. It gets dark and the park lights off fireworks.

That night hizashi drives us back to the dorms as Danny and I both zonk out. Danny says he doesn't need sleep anymore, but I can tell his little body was exhausted. Getting back I wake Danny a d we all go back to our rooms. Today had been a great day. I feel we had bonded with Danny just a little more. I was honestly surprised when he said he wanted to be an astronaut. Not many kids these days are signing up. We were both being serious though. If that's what Danny's dream was, we would help him achieve it.

I wake the next day in my bed feeling more than well rested. I don't need sleep anymore. But it's a strange feeling waking up again. An almost refreshed feeling after letting your brain shut down for a while. My body probably hasn't fully adjusted to being a full ghost yet. Memories of the day before swirl around my head making me smile and realize just how much Aizawa and hizashi actually cared for me. They took me to Universal Studios Japan. I can't remember my parents ever taking me anywhere other then the Fenton camper for ghost hunting camping trips.

Even before I had ghost DNA. They never took me or jazz to do any fun things. They were always cooped up in their lab building something ghost related. I shake my head pushing the sad memories from my head. I shouldn't be sad I should be happy. Aizawa and Hizashi were my parents now. And even though life before wasn't always pleasant. I have a brighter future now. People that can help me accomplish my dreams an love and support me while doing it.

Today was another day off. We had one week before the pro hero liscence exams. I had to be ready. I had to pass.

Getting dressed I do all my hygiene before heading down stairs. It was about 8am so not a lot of people were up yet. Walking outside I spot Kirishima and bakugo running laps.

I didn't know they got up this early. I do my stretches first. Don't want to accidentally pull a muscle or something. Both guys stop right in front of me." Hay Danny bro. What's up?" I smile." The sky." He grins." Nice. Do you want to come run with us?" I shrug." Sure as long as bakugo doesn't mind." Bakugo tsks looking away." You can run with us dipshit. Just don't get in my way or I'll end you." I get up holding my hands up in defense." Got it don't out run bakugo I want to die." Kirishima stares at me a second before bursting into hysteria. Bakugo glares at me.

"You extra think you can out run me." I back up before bolting as bakugo comes flying at me explosions emitting from his hands.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. It was just a joke. How did that piss him off? Wait never mind. Damnit this is bakugo I'm talking about. Everything offends him.

We run around the track him chasing me for about 10 laps non stop, before I give face planting into the grass." I tap, I'm out." I mumble into the soil. There's a hefty laugh as I feel a foot being placed on my back." I win extra. I'm going to be the number one hero." I give him a thumbs up redying on the ground. Today was going to be interesting.

Question- Does anyone think I should ship Danny with anyone other than Sam? Or Maybe just a small crush between classmates?

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