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I felt so weak. I dont know how long I've been here just that they keep me tied to this bed with ectoranium cuffs and every once in a while they inject me with this purple solution. Dan freaks out every time they do, but is hopless to do anything as his form continues to fade. I needed to save him, but right now I felt as if I had no energy myself. I was so tired. I wanted to sleep, but the last time I did. I awoke to find Dan crying saying he thought I had died.

Even if he was an evil me from a different timeline. He was still a big softy. He may have changed in many ways but some of his attributes never changed. He still had my terrible dance moves, and terrible jokes. He tried keep me entertained as I was tied up. I learned a lot from him and our future powers. It had roughly been about 4 weeks I believe when I began to give up hope. I hadn't heard anything from the villians except to bring us food every few days. Which for my high metabolism did almost nothing. Dan still had a small portion of human DNA inside him so even he was looking far worse than before. They never gave him any food and as much as I demanded he eat some of the food they did provide he refused. He insisted that even if he was still a bit human I needed it way more than him being I was still growing and needed the energy and with having more human DNA in me than him I would fully die quicker than him.

So giving up i ate the food feeling terrible each time I did. I was on the brink of giving up and welcoming my new life as a full ghost when I heard yelling and cussing. Not just from anyone though. From a voice I knew very well." Bakugo? Why would he be here?" I try moving again, but the ectoranium burned my skin making me wince. "Bakugo, BAkugo, Please help." I could barely muster anything out.

Laying my head down I slowly close my eyes falling asleep. To weak to keep my eyes open any longer.

I'm awoken by a loud boom and yelling. Still trying to register what the noise is from someone suddenly rushes in picking me up. Looking to the side I see its the black haired guy with purple patches on his skin. Looking over to Dan I see he sat against the wall in the corner." Dan help." He doesn't move making my heart sink." Dan wake up.!" Again he doesn't move. I had to go to him. I struggle against the man feeling the heat from his body. It was burning my skin. No matter how much I struggled I couldnt free myself. He leaves the room as I stare back at the unmoving Dan.

I spot Bakugo being pushed through the familiar purple portal thing. The guy walks through. We land in some type of clearing. A giant screen was aways away showing allmight and a weird looking villian fighting. The black hair dude puts me down on my feet. I had to lean against bakugo for support.

Bakugo stares at me for a sec before reaching down and helping me find my arm over his shoulder. Suddenly theres a loud scream from above. I couldnt make out what was said but it seemed bakugo could. Flinging me onto his back he shouts." Hold on extra" before pointing his hands out unleashing multiple explosions lifting us from the ground. We fly into the air before the villains can see us. Then I heard something that broke my heart.

"Looking to the clearing holding allmight and the villain i hear the villain speaking. Talking about me.

"Some things didnt go as planned such as those kids. Phantoms friends and family. Such a tragedy really. If they had survived they would have made powerfull allies to us. A shame really they didn't make it through the explosion."

At that moment it seemed as my exhaustion disappeared and a new found adrenaline pulsated throughout my body. It gave me enough courage to let go aiming straight for the clearing. Aiming my hands I shoot ice beams at the villian. He dodges blocking my blows as I land on the ground next to allmight. He stares at me." Danny, you shouldn't be here you must leave." I ignore him stepping forward placing myself between the two.

A silent anger raged in my veins. More so then ever before. And this time I wasnt afraid to unleash it. So much pent up emotions from the years I had built up behind a damn that was falling apart. I was done. I didnt care what happened to me any more. A calmly as I could muster I asked a single question that hurt." Why?" The man looked puzzled but seemingly came to a realization." Your talking about your family and friends. As you probably overheard me saying their death was unplanned they were suppose to become halfas like you but it seemed I messed up someplace." I stare at him. What he's spouting on about." A halfa can't be made unless pure raw ectoplasm reaches the blood and DNA of a human. Even so there's no guarantee the human will survive." I say gritting my teeth." Why in hell would you think they would become halfas?" I say becoming more pissed off minute by minute.

"In your past your friends at multiple points had ghost DNA infused with theres. I believed that if your friends had been under extreme life threatening situation it would unlock the residing ghost DNA in their bodies turning them into full fledged halfas. Unfortenutly I miscalculated somewhere because that is not what happened." He says making me clench my fists staring down at the ground." WHAT ABOUT MY SISTER, MY PARENTS EVEN."

"Their death was unplanned and irreverent. They were simply there at the wrong place at the wrong time." Staring up at him i almost couldnt take it." Tell me what was told to my friends and why they had to meet there. What was so important that they had to meet with everyone and not just call us? He suddenly smirks.

"Your scholarship letters came in. Everyone of you would be going to college fully paid for at all of your first choice schools." My heart broke in that moment. I knew how much my friend's had wanted to go to college. They wanted to move away from Amity Park and get good paying jobs, they wanted to make a difference in the world. Where as I basically gave up on my dream to be an astronaut after the accident. My body chemistry was different and before I couldnt let people know what I was. But now I didnt give a shit. This man killed my family and friends and possibly Dan. I was going to make this man regret living. I was going to kill him even if it killed me in the process.

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