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Raising his hand a glowing green sword materializes landing in his hand. Before anyone knows what's happening he's gone. Across the clearing in a blink of an eye grabbing the perpetrator who caused his now undeniable death. Before anyone knows what's happening. He thrusts his hand into the ghosts chest before ripping out a pale scared human. The ghost stays their face going slack. The human gasps." Oh Daniel I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt you." The human cries.

Danny glares at him." I'll deal with the lot of you later. If you fuse with your other half I will take that as an act of war and sentence you to death. Go sit in the corner." The man and ghost scurry away not daring to touch each other. The spell being broken so they no longer wanted to kill the boy.

Danny turns to the villian. "Now to deal with you. Let's get this over with so I catch of with my school work. Because of you and your deranged suicide squad I'm behind a couple of weeks. I can not afford to fail another grade."ALL for one stares at the Ghost king in anger." Your supposed to be dead. How did you come back. I saw your future you died for good." I chuckle." Thats the greatest thing about time. One incident can throw the whole time line out of wack. Im guessing the part where you messed up was by having vlad kill me. You didn't look that far ahead. That was your mistake. And one your going to pay dearly for.

I wake up on the floor. My vision was blurry. Rubbing my eyes I see that the room was trashed, the door was hanging widen open and Danny was no where to be seen. Where was Danny? How long was I out? I stumble from the reckage luckily finding the front door which I phase through. I needed to find Danny. Wondering a few blocks away, Danny nowhere in sight I spot a large gathering of humans. Walking over to them my eyes widen at the sight before me. Vlads hand was sticking out of Dannys chest.

I stumble back my non- beating heart feeling very hallow. I had failed. I didnt know what to do. How could I fix this? Everything was falling apart. Suddenly a hand grabs my arm. Turning around was a young man with light blue tinted skin and a purple cloak." Clockwork what are you-"" we must hurry before its to late." He says starting to drag me away. He pulls me me to a secluded area. With a wave of his wrist a green portal opens. He takes the time medallion from his neck putting it in my hand.

"I myself cannot go, but since you reside outside the timeline you can go without affecting much. Im sending you to a different timeline. One that holds the last hope for this world. If Danny is not stopped theres no saving this timeline. That's why he wasn't supposed to find out who killed his family and friends. There you will find what your looking for."" What am I looking for?" He smiles." You'll know when you find it." He says before handing me something else and pushing me into the portal.

I land on the border of Amity park. What was here in Amity Park that could stop Danny. I slowly fly to town the town looked so dead. Not a person was in sight. Where was everyone. Even on a school or work day people were still put and about. Now that I looked at it more Amity Park never looked this run down before. It looked almost neglected, baren of all life. Did everyone leave AmityPark. Great, why did clock always have to be so vague. This would save so much time of I knew what I was looking for.

Groaning I float around town. I find myself on the same block as my old house. Might as well stop by.

I spot the old house in the distance just as I remembered it. My heart throbs remembering the mistakes I made in my own timeline. If only I hadn't of cheated on that stupid test. Looking back on it. It definitely wasn't worth it.

Phasing through the front door I float to my old room. Pushing the closed door open I find the room just as I would always leave it when I was younger, Messy. Socks, pants, shirts and dirty underwear littered the floor. My old astronaut poster hung on the wall slightly drapping. The bed was unmade. Pictures of family and friends sat on my desk and dresser. A picture of Sam, tucker, and my family lay on my bed hanging out of my old tattered wallet. I remember the day it was taken. It was the year before the accident. I had good grades and had actually just received my first award for honor role.

There's a sudden sound of a gun loading up from behind me. Turning around my eyes widen in shock. How could this be. The gun goes off slamming me with a few thousand volts of electricity, making my scream in pain. Then everything went black.

Waking up I find myself tied up laying on my couch in the living room. My vision was blurry. Blinking my eyes my vision clears and I see 5 floating figures standing off to the right in the door way talking." Who is he? How did he get in here? How did he he find Amity Park? Why does he seem so familiar. This place has been off the grid for a few years now." I recognized the voice as jazzes.

"Mom, dad, jazz, sam and Tucker." It all suddenly made so much sense. The only thing that could stop Danny now was his family. But since in his own timeline they weren't around anymore that would be impossible. Clockwork you sly dog.

Broken hero Danny Phantom/MHAWhere stories live. Discover now