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The next day I eat some breakfast not used to waking up fully rested. I can already tell the difference in my body between getting enough sleep and proper meals.

I was stronger and all my wounds had fully healed. Speaking of wounds I haven't received any new ones. I haven't fought any ghosts since before the accident. I liked not having to fight the ghost all the time, but I was starting to get antsy. It is my obsession after all, to save people. Its not like I can flip a switch and just stop feeling this way. Maybe tonight I can take a fly around the city. Aizawa comes in and sits at the table while drinking a cup of coffee." Starting Tommorow you will be in my class known as 1A. We will be late to class though because I want to get an accurate reading on your quirk and what we need to work on." I nod taking another bite of my pops cereal. Aizawa got them for me. Which I was thankful for. I like pops. I spend the day at the local park enjoying the peace.

The next day I get dressed in the uniform, walking with Aizawa to the school. He shows me to the gym and gives me a uniform. He has me do basic tasks like throw a ball. I can access my ghost abilities in my human form, so I just do that. It takes a bit of concentration, but it would be a real hassle trying to explain why I can turn into a ghost.

After the test I get dressed into my uniform following Aizawa to a large door saying 1A. Going inside I Immediately slam into someone very much taller then me making them stumble back. I reach out grabbing their hand keeping them from falling." Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say in perfect Japanese. Now that I was in japan I should start speaking their language more. Its the respectful thing to do. The teacher stares at me stunned before smiling and introducing himself." Dont worry about it. Im Allmight. You must be Mr. Fenton." He turns to the class." Class starting today this will be your new classmate. I expect you to treat him with respect and give him time to adjust to things here. He comes from America. Things are very different there." They nod." Go take a seat in the back near kirishima." A red head raises his hand making me nod.

The teacher known as allmight excuses himself. It was weird he reminded me of the blond guy named toshinori who first came to get me. I dont know why, they both acted entirely different. Allmight carried himself with confidence. Toshinori acted kinda timid in a sense. I take my seat with Aizawa still staring at me shocked." You knew Japanese this whole time?" He asks face palming himself.

I smile sheepishly saying sorry. He just sighs." Ok class because of the up coming sports festival we will be giving you more time to train with your quirks. After this week you will have a 2 week break to rest or train for the festival. Now get out your English text book and turn to page 75. Mr. Fenton since your so well versed in English why dont you read this chapter and explain it for us." Mr. Aizawa says making me glare at the smirking teacher. Game on teach.

After English we went to Japanese, then math and history before the bell rang for lunch. I wasnt really hungry so I go outside and lay down under a tree. Everything was peaceful. Too peaceful, it still didn't feel real that just a few weeks ago I livid a semi normal life of fighting ghosts, failing my classes and and hanging out with my friends. My chest clenches at the thought making me sit up and hold back a sob. I had to take deep breaths to contain myself. After a few minutes I get myself under control.

Soon the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. I get up walking back to class. Mr Aizawa says for the rest of the day we will be training with our quirks. I stay in human form, and shoot off a few ecto-beams here and there to act like im training.

In reality I just didn't want to hurt anyone since we were in such close quarters. Ever since the battle against Pariah Dark and clockwork giving me the ring of rage. My powers are much stronger. Even my physical appearance in ghost and human form have changed. In my ghost form my ears are now much more pointy, my hairs still the same my fangs are longer. Not much has changed, but anyone who had seen me before would see the difference. In my human form, my ears are less pointy, so are my fangs, but I possess this unearthly like glow. I can dim it a bit but not much. Its something the ring of rage does to let others know that I'm the soon to be king of the ghost zone once I turn 18 or die, again. Which ever comes first. Other ghosts will know immediately when they see me, but most humans will just think its a trick of the light.

In that time though it gave me a chance to observe everyones quirks. I was surprised to find out that the Todoroki kid possessed the quirk Half ice, Half fire. He didnt use his fire side though making me think something in his past must of happened for him to stop using it. It may have something to do with that horrible red scar on his face. His scar reminded me of the one I had on my back when the GIW shot ectoranium at me. Nothing I did could get that stuff off quick enough. I also take note of the other quirks in the class that could be a threat to me. Bakugo being one, because of the heat his quirk gave off. Midoriya because I could tell the kid was holding back his full power. Its like a sixth sense I acquired when I was given the ring. I could sense the power that dwells within other individuals. Midoriyas was vast and changing ever so slightly. It was like an iceberg. You can only see so much above the water, but underneath it can go on for miles.

Kaminari was one guy I never wanted to be on the receiving end of. Even before the accident.

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