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Today was the day. The day we would take our hero license exam. This was it. If I wasn't dead my heart would be racing. I was one step closer to being able to do hero work legally. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I put on my normal hero outfit walking to the bathroom. I do all my hygiene before walking . It was still very early roughly 5:30. I just couldn't sleep anymore. I didn't need sleep but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy it still. Walking downstairs into the kitchen I'm surprised to see bakugo cooking at the stove.

Walking to the fridge I say good morning getting a small morning in response. Opening up the fridge I look around grabbing a bottle of water. Sitting at the table I stare out the window. It was still dark out so nobody was put and the birds weren't chirping yet.

I'm startled when a plate suddenly falls right in front of me. Staring at it I see it contained pancakes with fresh berries and syrup, bacon and eggs.

Looking up I see bakugo taking a seat across from me looking at his phone." Thanks bakugo, but you didn't have to. I don't need food to survive
He tsks." Just eat the damn food extra." I smile grabbing a fork taking a bight of the pancakes. I swear at that moment I redied and went to heaven. Moaning I look up." Omg gad bakugo. This is the greatest thing I've ever eaten. I think the best part about it to is that it isn't trying to eat me back." A light red dusts his face. Aww he was embarrassed." Yah whatever you may not need it but we can't have you flanking out on us in the middle of the exams. I'll kick your ass if you do." I snicker." Sir yes sir." We finish our food in silence. After another half hour, more students start getting up. I wash my dish walking to the living room.

A few hours later we all get on the bus. I stare out the window. I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect. I mean I don't think anyone really knew what to expect. The exams are different. They change everytime they're given. Even when they are it's a strict policy not to talk about them in detail. According to Aizawa.

I think thats what put everyone off the most. Nothing to go by, and not just that. The rate heros in training or just in general has been decreasing rapidly over the years. They seemed to have made the test much harder.

I sigh. Youu can do this Danny. Its just another physical test. Just another joint training session with other classes. Nothing to worry about.

The bus pulls up to a giant arena-looking building. It was much bigger than I was expecting, and by the looks on everyone else's faces. They were as equally surprised.

I gasp at how many people were here. There weren't just students, but many heroes here as well. I didn't know many of them though.

Walking over to Kirishima and bakugo I gulp." Is anyone as nervous as I am?" Kirishima nods while bakugo looks away." Come on extra grow a pair. You'll never get your license acting like a scared kid." I want to smack him sometimes, I really do." Thanks for the confidence boost bakugo" He grunts, knowing very well that I'm using sarcasm." I'm just worried. This is different than when I used to fight other ghosts or even vlad. These are other people. I have to hold my punches, I can't go over board. And I'm being held to standards I've never been held to before." Both kirishima and bakugo stop. Turning to me." Danny bro. Trust me you'll be fine. Just remember all that we've learned in class and practiced." He says patting my back.

That doesn't ease my worry in the slightest, but I still nod.

We hang out waiting for the exams to start. We had an hour's grace period before we head in. I'm stopped as my ghost sense suddenly goes off. I stop, my skin having goosebumps. There was a ghost here.

"Danny bro are you ok?" Kirishima asks making everyone turn around and stop. I hold up a finger looking around around. Suddenly Fright night appears Making me jump." Damn Fright night don't do that. I may not be able to really die anymore. But you can still scare me shitless!" He stares at me getting down on one knee from his horse.

"Lord phantom. Something requires your immediate attention in the ghost zone!" I stare at him confused." Fright night I visited a week ago. Everything was fine. Whatever it is I'm sure it can wait. I have my exams in an hour." I say turning around about to start walking again when he starts again." Lord phantom, it's dire. It's Dorathea she's been attacked." I stop even with my ice core my body still went cold and shivers ran throughout my being.

Turning back around I stare at him." What happened? Is she ok?" There is silence. Everyone stared at us waiting to what was happening. " Lord phantom Dorathea was hit with something we are unfamiliar with. She...." He stops making me stare at him.

"She's what Fright night? What's wrong with dora?" He sighs." The Guys in White have found a way into the ghost zone. They attacked Pandora's kingdom. Trying to defend her people from them. They shot her with something. She's fading. She won't last much longer."

It was as if everything at that moment stood still. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. For a solid 10 seconds, nothing happened. Clenching my fists. I turn to Kirishima and bakugo.

Broken hero Danny Phantom/MHAWhere stories live. Discover now