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That all it took for me to lundge at the villian infront of me transforming. "DANNY STOP" allmight yells. But I was far to gone to care or listen. This man would not get away with what he had done. He was going to suffer my wrath.

I fly at him shooting ecto beams. Large metal arms come from behind him. He blocks them swinging at me. I go intangible flying right through the metal arms shooting more ice beams at him. I'm suddenly struck by one of the arms flying straight back into a building. Blinding white pain resonates throghout my body making me lean over spitting out my green blood. I was still to weak. Even with this new found energy. Concentrating I split myself into 3 other me's. We all fly through the air shooting ecto beams at him. I'm hit again losing my concentration of my clones making them disappear. I won't let this basterd win. He's taken to much from me.

Merging my ice and ectobeam together I shoot multiple beams flying at him again.

We watch Danny fight from the crowd. Danny was a beast. A completely different person that what he had showed us. He was fighting to kill and their was nothing we could do. He was on a different level then us. Danny was barely human anymore trying to settle the score the best he could, but he was fighting a losing battle. Allmight had been struggling to fight him. Danny was beyond exhausted when we rescued him. Now he was trying to fight a big time villain all by himself. He needed help but nobody could stand with him and survive. Danny was on pare with the best of the best heroes. But his weakened state has left him vulnerable and it was showing. Whatever energy he had been able to summon before was slowly dissipating from his body. He wouldn't last much longer. And that what scared me the most. Clockwork had said that if Danny had found out about All for one killing his family and friends, hell would rain down on earth and doom humans. I dont know exactly what he meant by that. Only that it didn't sound good. My fists clench and my chest ached.

I felt so bad for Danny. He's had to endure much more than he should have and it's obviously breaking him in more ways than one. And for the villain to be so nonchalant about it was even more devastating and cruel.

I crash into the wall yet again feeling my ribs crack under the pressure. Gritting my teeth I spit out more green blood. I was so weak sinking to My knees I felt as if I couldn't hold myself up anymore. Looking down I see my body was...............Flashing. I was most likely dying. But I didn't really care to much. Everything I had loved or cared for had been destroyed, would it even really matter if I just let go. I would start my new life as a full ghost ruling over the ghost zone.........I gasp looking down to my hand. There sat the ring of rage on my finger. I all but face palm. Wow I'm stupid sometimes.

I open myself to the ring feeling the rush of new found energy from the ghost zone rush through me. It was exilerating. My body was no longer flashing. It now radiated a powerful green glow. I felt amazing, better than ever before. But a dark sinister feeling had now bloomed. I knew where it was from. I had to make this quick.

Looking back up I stare at the man who was now fighting Allmight again. Flying over I stand beside Allmight. Allmight I think I have a way to beat him. But you need to get away. If you or any human is to close I could damage your soul. Cover your ears the best you can." He stares at me before nodding.

Running a couple yards away, I take my stance. I needed a lot of power. Just as im about to unleash my ghostly wail something hard lands infront of me. QA cloud of dust blocks my view from what it was and a piercing pain spreads through out my chest. Only it was much worse. When the dust clears I see fruitloop in his ghost form. Only he looked rugged exhausted. Looking down I see his arm impailing my chest. Green ectoplasmic blood gushed out soaking my clothes. I gasp not being able to maintain my ghost form any longer. The rings travel down my body leaving me in my familiar human form.

He rips his arm out. There's yelling behind me, but I couldn't make out who's, as a loud ringing overcame my hearing. My vision had already started to darken. I fall back onto my back gasping for air, even if I didn't need much. Was this what it felt like to be dying? I didnt feel any pain. I was just scared and far colder than ever before. Not even when i was first learing to control my ice core. I suddenly felt hands on my body. I could make out the faint figure of Allmight. I just felt so cold. So much colder than in my ghost form. Even my ice core felt like it would crack under the intense feeling. I blink my eyes trying to blink away the blurriness. But it wouldnt go away.

A memory flashes through my head. It was the day my sister found out I was a ghost and confronted me in my room. It was so vivid as if it was actually happening.

I had just gotten home from fighting skulker. He was very brutal this time and got some good hits in. Enough so that even my ghost healing was taking a while to heal my wounds. It was late everyone should have been asleep but when I phased through my room and transformed. I had been stunned to see my sister sitting there. She stared at me stunned." I knew it, your a ghost." I had panicked and begged her to tell mom and dad. She promised but only if I would tell her what happened and to start trusting in her more.

I had agreed and told her what had happened. How I had half died and was turned into a ghost and how vlad had told me about what we were. Leaving out that he had tried to convince me to become his adopted son multiple times. That was a story for another time. After I had finished jazz had hugged me tight letting me cry into her shoulder. She said that she loved and accepted me for who I was and nothing would ever change that. It had been the first time in a long time that I felt safe loved and secure. For so long I had been shouldering this burden alone only being able to talk to Sam and tucker about this.

But it was hard because as much as they say they understood me, in reality they could never actually hope to understand my pain unless they lived my life. That was the night me and my older sister had truly bonded and I trusted her more than ever.

My friends and family had been my lifeline. Tying me to this world. And when they died I felt as if that bond had been severed. What was I honestly still doing here? After there death it had been the first time that I hadn't felt my obsession. No ghosts came to torment me or destroy the town. In all honesty I wouldn't have cared if they had. Skulker could have came for my pelt and I wouldn't have stopped him. I just felt empty.

Another memory flows through my head. It was the same day they found out about my scared chest. I remember having so much fun with everyone. They were all so nice to me. I hadn't been with the class for long but they treated me like their friend. I remember us laughing, playing chicken fight, talking and just joking around. It felt amazing. It felt like it had been forever since someone had actualy looked at me and smiled. It made a familiar feeling bloom in my chest. One I had all but forgotten the feeling of. My obsession.

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