- "how do you do that?"

- "do what?"

- "pretend that everything can be overcome, and show me that you love Charlie, even though you didn't know him, and prove to me that you will do everything so that I will never forget him"

- "Carina, if one day we have kids, and I'm not saying that, but if one day you're ready, if one day we're ready and we want kids, I'm not saying we have to have kids, but if we do, I want, I, I want them to know, I'm not saying we'd have more than one, but I mean, I want them to know all about, about, about their big brother"

During Maya's speech the brunette's eyes had filled with tears and her eyes had softened, she had looked at the blonde with all the love in the world.

-"You really have to stop making me cry".

- "I'll stop talking"

- "yes"

- "okay..."

- "sorry, I'm saying yes for, for the day when we're ready... And we have other kids, we'll tell them, we'll tell them about Charlie"

Maya's eyes filled with stars and she cracked a radiant smile.

"Don't look at me like that."

- "like what?"

- "I literally saw you fall in love with me again."

- "I can't control the way I look at you Carina."

The Italian had lowered her eyes to the camera.

- "it's not loaded..."

-"What do you take me for? It is charged, there is a memory card, it is very good, according to the seller... It works in manual, semi-manual, automatic mode"

-"Maya it must have cost you a fortune" Carina said, taking it in her hands.

-,I think that part of the money I earned for my Olympic medal goes to you".

- "and why is that? I didn't run".

- "you were at the finish line"

- "ummm, in the stands, do we have to take you to the emergency room?"

- "I'm not crazy, I didn't have a stroke... I know you were in the stands but in my head, in my heart, you were on that finish line. I had to win for you, I didn't hurt my ankle, because I was running for you, I was running to you... Oh, believe me, my father didn't like it..."

- "because you, you told him that?"

- "I told him that I would win for you, that I had won for you, because I wanted you to be proud of me"

- "I was always proud of you"

Maya had blushed.

- "are we going to go to that pier where we're going to stand there and say all the reasons we love each other and plan our whole lives?"

- "don't tempt me."

Maya had rolled her eyes and taken Carina by the hand.
They had gone to the pier, where they had stopped the first time, when they had waited for Andy and Ryan.
The Italian woman brought her mouth to her ear: "I hope Tanner and Herrera don't show up... I love them but... There's a gorgeous blonde I'd like to spend my day with".

-"I think I'm making you unsociable"

- "oh, well besides not sleeping together, I think we should stop seeing each other then, it would be a real shame if I only settled for you forever."

-"I think so too" replied Maya teasingly.

Carina had turned the blonde against the rail and put her hands on it, to imprison her, while sticking her body against hers. The brunette had brought her mouth close to hers and then had moved her lips up to her ear.

The Reunion (Part 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon