chapter 67

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On February thirteenth Maya and Carina had to go to the airport to fly to London. Their flight was at noon. They had a direct flight and would arrive in London on February fourteenth around five in the morning.
Carina had contacted the hotel to pay the night before and get the room as soon as they arrived.

They had spent part of the flight talking and part of the flight sleeping. They were not necessarily tired but they knew they would have to face the jetlag.

They had arrived at their hotel, the Zedwell in Picadilly Circus, a little before seven in the morning.

The room was sublime, leds were all around the back wall, where the bed was, like in a recess.

She had looked at the room and the Italian had opened her suitcase.

-"what do you want to do?" Asked the brunette.

-"Honestly, I dream of a shower. What about you?"

- "Can I be one hundred percent honest with you?"

- "do you want to sleep?"

-"I want to come with you to the shower."
Carina replied, sticking to Maya's back.

- "don't stick to me"

- "why?"

- "because I've probably never gone this long without showering in your presence."

- "and you're afraid your natural scent will scare me away bambina? Need I remind you that I used to love making love to you after you ran?"

- "But we're not sixteen anymore."

- "and I'm still just as addicted to your scent" Carina replied, kissing her neck.

The blonde had stepped forward and turned around.

- "you know what else you love?"

- "that you don't cut me off as I kiss you in hopes of making love to you?"

- "I was going to say make love in the shower" Maya quipped as she backed up to the bathroom.

- "it's even more than adored and you haven't let me do it since..."

- "but just, I need to brush my teeth first, if you'll let me."

- "anything you want, as long as I end up naked in that shower with you"

They had both brushed their teeth and Carina had been the first to be naked and in the shower.

The water had quickly gotten hot, she had gotten underneath, then turned around, leaned her head back. She had been wetting her head, then had turned around to face the shower tile to relax her body after those ten hours of flying. When Maya had arrived behind her she had passed her hands to shift her hair to the side and the Italian had turned her head towards her to look at her, her eyes, then her lips.

Maya had slid her hand down the Italian's neck to encourage her to turn around, which she had done.
The captain's hand went up to Carina's cheek. They had looked into each other's eyes before lowering their gaze to each other's lips and they had both smiled at the same time, as the firefighter's hand had left the Italian's cheek, caressing it with her fingertips, and Carina had moved her hand up to her face. The brunette had moved back slightly and had smiled a little more, as if to give desire to her companion to come to seek her lips.

Carina's hand had finally come to rest on her cheek, while Maya's had done the same on hers. The blonde had approached her mouth of that of her companion and while leaning her face, their lips had opened and their eyes had closed. A gleam of desire had passed on their two faces, the anticipation, as if they had not kissed for an eternity.

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