chapter 33

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Carina had asked Maya if they could meet on Friday night.
The blonde was finishing late and the brunette had asked her to come by after her shift.

Maya had arrived at more than 11pm.
She knocked on the door and the brunette came to open it.

She let her in but didn't hug her, not like the other times.

-"Are you okay?" Maya asked.

- "I owe you a thousand apologies."

- "no"

- "sì"

- "no, we can all have a bad day. You don't owe me an apology. Did you bring me in just to apologize?"

- "yes... Wait ..." Said the Italian after pausing, opening Maya's coat.

- "what?"

-"Are you trying to torture me? Is this your revenge?"

- "no"

- "are you allowed to go out in civilian clothes?"

- "I'm a captain. And I didn't go to the restaurant, I came to see you before going home".

- "but can you stay with me?"

- "it's getting late, I haven't eaten, I..."

- "eat with me" said the Italian woman, taking off her coat.

- "I shouldn't"

- "would you rather go back to your apartment by yourself? Because... If I'm not mistaken, Andy has moved out... She only has two or three things left to move tomorrow? But she's not sleeping at your place anymore"

Carina had placed both hands on her neck, on either side, and stroked her jaw with her thumbs.

"I feel bad..."

- "you shouldn't... And as a side note, I hope that everything you said you meant and everything you did you could have done sober."

-"Maya did I..." She said as she brought one of her hands up and stroked her lips with her thumb, looking at her mouth.

- "n-no, n-no we, we didn't... Kissed."

- "w-well... That'll happen... But I, I'll be sober"

The Italian woman had removed her hands from her face and took her hand to go into the living room, sit at the table.

- "Car' it's late, you probably ate already"

-"Maya, I can't do what I really want to do with you, because I feel that my head is not ready to do what my body and my heart want to do... So please let me, eat with you at twenty three o'clock past, let me, caress your lips, take your hand, take you in my arms, sleep with you"

They were still standing by the table and Carina had moved behind Maya.
She had put her mouth to her ear.

- "Do, do you have something under your shirt?"

- "y-yes."

The brunette had taken the blonde's collar in each of her hands and pulled one by one on the snaps of her shirt.

- "I, I can't... Eat... With you, like this... You look way too... attractive in that outfit."
She had pulled on the flaps of her shirt to remove it from her pants.

She had taken it off her and put her own arms through it, putting it on, before coming over and sniffing it. The blonde had turned around.

- "I've been working in it all day and I've been sweating in this shirt."

- "I love the way you smell."

Maya had caressed the flap of her shirt at the Italian's stomach.

"Are you staying over?"

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