chapter 15

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It had been two days since they had cooked together. Maya had regained her confidence with Carina and allowed herself to be a little closer to her again, at least to talk to her again.

That day when Carina came home from school, she called her brother and Maya went for a run. When she came back and took her shower, the Italian girl suggested that she watch an episode of the tv show.

The brunette had opted for the continuation of The L Word.

- "are you sure?"

- "yes, why?"

- "no, nothing like that"

- "are you afraid of something?" Asked the brunette

- "no, it's more that I'm surprised you want to watch the next episode"

-"I liked it a lot" she said, looking at Maya straight in the eyes, then she saw Maya's cheeks blush and felt her own cheeks redden: "the series... I liked the show a lot" she said to make up for it, feeling that Maya must have understood 'sex with a girl', even if it was more than true.

-"It's not a bad show."

They had started watching episode three. They hadn't really gotten far away since they started the show.

When Carmen appeared on screen in a tank top and panties, Carina turned to Maya: "So this is actually... Is this your style?" She asked, pausing.

- "what cute, tanned and in panties?" She was referring to the time she had joined her in bed.

- "but no, you don't have a particular style... when you see the one you slept with or almost slept with"

- "my 'style' as a girl is not something you see on the street. So, I'm not picky".

- "really not picky... And what is your style?"

- "like I said, cute, tan..."

- "and in panties?"

- "and often straight. But in panties why not"

- "these are very ... Specific"

- "indeed, girls in panties are not common"

- "maybe because you shouldn't look so far... than in the street".

- "or maybe I shouldn't look and she'll come to me by herself"

- "Maybe you'll find out..." She replied, pressing the space bar to resume reading.

**This game is called too hot...** Carmen said to the screen.

The two actresses had started to kiss and Carina had trapped her lip with her teeth, raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly.

"That's a game I'd like to play" she said dreamily.

Maya had swallowed her saliva and choked, bringing the Italian out of her trance.

"Did I speak out loud?!" Did she freeze and turn her head towards the blonde.

-"Yes" she said between two coughing fits.

-"I'm sorry, I was... I was thinking".

- "in a high... Voice"

- "Here, have a sip"

- "But this is your bottle"

- "and then you are afraid to read my mind?"

- "uh no... The ones you say out loud... Are already enough..."

- "okay. Do you want to keep choking or should I pass it on?"

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