chapter 59

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They were in the bathroom and the Italian had just rinsed her mouth, whereas the blonde had always full of toothpaste.

- "tell me, I thought... For London."

- "hmmmm?"

- "I would like to introduce you to Charles"


Maya had spit her toothpaste on the glass.

- "What?!"

- "I'd like you to meet Charles."

- "Charles as in Charles your former husband, or did you not tell me you knew the king?!"

- "Maya..." Carina said, looking at her through the mirror.

- "No, but Carina, do you realize that you want me to meet the father of your son, the guy you married, when I proposed to you like three hundred times?"

- "at least!" They'd stared at each other through the mirror, then the blonde had looked away to clean up the foam she'd spit on the mirror.
"Maya..." Made the Italian in a small voice as she came to take her hips and placed her chin on her shoulder. A way for her to ask her again, without pronouncing the words.

-"Carina..." Answered she, the defeatist voice, as to answer that she could not ask her that.

-"He meant a lot to me, and I've never been in love with him. I'm going to want to see him when we go... And believe me, I think it will be more unpleasant for him than for you."

- "Well thank you"

- "he knows I was always in love with you"

- "he didn't mind marrying you"

- "he didn't know it yet..."

- "would you like me to introduce you to the girls I slept with?"

Carina had removed her hands from Maya's hips and stepped back.

-"If any of them meant anything to you, yes... if not, no thanks, I don't think my life would be long enough."

- "what is that supposed to mean?"

- "already before we met you had a well-filled hunting list, I think that in thirteen years the word list is not enough"

- "oh yes, you would have preferred that I get married and have children?!"

Carina had blinked, keeping her eyes closed for a few more seconds. It was as if she couldn't believe that Maya would say that.

"love excuse me, I didn't mean that" she made as she tried to grab Carina's hand, who had raised her hands in the air so she wouldn't touch her and backed away.

-"I think you should go home and sleep there."

- "no, wait Carina-"

- "I think you've said enough, Maya"

- "you know I didn't mean it"

- "why did you say it, if you didn't mean it?!"

- "and you really think I'm ... What? An easy girl? A slut?"

-"I never used those words!"

- "but you seem to think so"

- "you know what?! Go to sleep. I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms."

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