chapter 18

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The next morning they woke up in each other's arms. Carina stared at the ceiling as Maya's arm passed in front of her body.

-"You seem very pensive...". She said as she came to kiss her cheek. "You... You changed your mind?"

- "no" Carina said as she finally turned her head towards the blonde.

- "But?"

- "can we keep the fact that there's something going on between us... Whatever it is, for us?"

- "are you ashamed to sleep with me?"

- "no, but Maya understand me, you are a girl... And I really, really, really like to make love with you... I really like to make love with you, but I'm not ready to be labeled... And then it's our secret garden, and I'd like to keep it that way"

- "okay"

- "are you mad at me? Does it bother you that I think that?"

- "I'm a little afraid that you're going to backslide... And before you, I didn't feel like i wanted... More..."

- "because you want to say that... That like we're... We're dating?"

- "no, I mean maybe, I mean I don't know, but uh it's more... I mean, you know, you don't have... You don't have the physique that one can be ashamed to sleep... To sleep with "

- "oh so I'm your trophy?"

- "no, you're not a trophy. But you are the most beautiful... And I think it's normal that I don't want anyone to come and hit on you"

-"I don't want to be hit on... And whatever happens between us, that's what I want to find out and develop... With nobody else"

- "so we're seeing each other in secret?"

- "something like that"

- "even for Andy?"

- "just... Just a little longer..."

- "okay."

- "are you disappointed?"

- "aren't you running away?"

- "no, I could even make love to you right now if we didn't have to go get ready"

- "Then I'm not disappointed" she made as she came to kiss her.
Carina had turned her body to face the blonde and she slid her hand down her shorts, against her buttock. "Car' we have to go get ready"

- "I won't be able to kiss or touch you again until tonight."

- "you don't seem to mind."

- "I'm already thinking about tonight"

They had gone to get ready, then to breakfast before leaving for school.
As soon as they arrived, Carina went to join Taryn and Maya, Andy.

- "so how was your weekend?"

-"It was fine."

- "what's up?"

- "well it's been, we went to Salem, I ran, I won, we went home, we played games with Mase"

- "and that's it?"

- "yeah"

- "and with Carina?"

- "with Carina what?"

- "no... Nothing"

- "well, yes, you did, you said too much"

-"I don't know, but she and I talked on Friday and... And she seemed..."

- "she seemed?"

- "so into you."

- "Carina?"

- "yes Carina, the pretty Italian girl who lives at your place, the one you kiss for fun"

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