chapter 11

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- "Well," Alex asked, "more like truth or dare or seven minutes in heaven or the bottle game?"

- "I say we let Carina choose!" said Ryan.

-"I've never played seven minutes in heaven, we don't have that in Italy".

- "but these are games for children!" replied Maya

- "It can be fun. Besides, this is the first night since Carina arrived that we've been in a small group" Andy cut her off. "I'm going to shoot the first one".

Andrea had turned the bottle and bumped into Maya.

- "laaame!" Said Link, another friend of the group, a little older: "you guys are just going to tell each other your lives!"

They had gone into the closet and indeed they had been talking.

- "How did it go last night, Carina didn't seem too thrilled with Addison's presence?"

- "She wasn't... We kissed..."

- "What?!"

- "we kissed..."

- "at Alex's or at your place?"

- "both..."

- "and why am I only learning this now?"

- "because we made a stupid pact"

- "what do you mean?"

- "she loves... Kissing and basically... I offered my services."

- "that's fucked up."

- "you have no idea"

- "and like if she feels like it, she'll come and kiss you?"

- "yes and me too"

- "and you guys had sex?"

- "no. She doesn't want me. I mean, I don't know... Anyway, no"

- "and that's why you didn't go with Addison yesterday?"

-"She told me she didn't want me to sleep with..."

- "and so you obeyed?"

- "did you see this woman? If she asks me... Anything, I'll do it, if in return she kisses me like she does..."

- "are you in love with her?"

- "no"

- "are you sure?"

- "she's straight so yes I'm sure, I'm not stupid enough to fall in love with a straight girl"

- "she looks like she's Maya Bishop rather than straight, if you ask me."

- "it's been seeeven minutes!!!" Ryan said as he pounded on the door.

Link had been the next to turn the bottle and he had run into Jo. They had gone into the closet in turn and had come out a little red-cheeked.

Carina had been next and she had run into Alex, much to Maya's dismay.
He had wanted to know what had actually gone wrong when they had gone out the first weekend and the Italian had simply replied that she had not managed to imagine herself with him, that he had not been receptive to her flirtation and that despite everything she had had a good day.

It was then Levi's turn and the bottle fell on Taryn, they had found it funny and had left both in the closet.

When they came out, Maya turned the bottle and it fell on Carina.

-"You want to spin the bottle again?"

- "no!" Carina said at the same time that Maya had asked Alex why he had offered to restart.

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