chapter 10

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On Thursday afternoon they went to the Seahawks vs Raiders game that Carina had given to Maya for her birthday.

The American was wearing her shirt and cap and the Italian was wearing her cap.

-"Don't you want to teach me how to scream? Like in your movie?"

- "I know the line by heart but I'm not sure what you should really do... I don't know how to scream myself".

- "peccato..." [Too bad]

They had loved the game and on top of that Maya's team had won thirty-one to twenty-one against the Raiders. That night they talked about the game all the way home in the car. The day was still young and they weren't going to stop their evening there.

It had been a few days since Maya and Carina had made their deal.
Since Sunday they hadn't kissed again, but they enjoyed making each other feel uncomfortable whenever they could.

- "I'm allowed to kiss you anywhere not only in this room, right?"

- "yes, because if you remember, we even talked about a party"

- "what if I want to kiss you at school?"

- "to kiss me... Or if you want to have lips on yours".

- "it all comes down to the same thing and it sums up the situation pretty well"

- "no because wanting to kiss me complicates things. You might want to kiss Alex for example and take it out on me".

- "you are a much better kisser than Alex".

-"I'm trying to forget that this ever happened" Maya said in disgust.

- "well let's face it, deep down I probably want to kiss you, but for your talents, I'm trying to ignore the fact that you have boobs and no cock between your thighs".

- "I think I'm going to be sick"

- "are you even attracted to me?"

- "are you even attracted to me? Because you are the one who is kissing someone you are not supposed to be attracted to".

- "at the moment I'm not kissing many people, since Sunday nothing has happened"

- "I would have to be difficult not to find you attractive... I thought I made myself clear".

- "what about high school?"

- "maybe we should avoid... It can be confusing... As for parties, we can but not in front of everyone."

- "does Andy know about our deal?"

- "no... She just knows that I called Charlotte... Carina... But that's it."

- "and she knows I know?"

- "no"

- "okay... Since we finished our homework and you still can't run... How about an episode of a tv serie?"

- "I'm always up for Chuck!"

- "I was thinking more along the lines of your other show."

- "any reason... Particular?"

- "I'm starting to lose my memory..."

- "you may not like it or not like it... To make you want to"

- "you'll still kiss me then"

- "let's start with the second season"

- "why not season one?"

- "two is better"

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