chapter 45

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/sixteen years earlier/

Maya and Carina had returned from Grandma Gaga's on Tuesday. Thursday was going to be Thanksgiving. They had returned just before dinner.

They were on the bus that was going to take them back to the blonde's place.

- "how am I supposed to act like I'm not madly in love with you, when I've literally been able to kiss you and hold your hand freely since Friday night at your grandmother's house?"

- "it's just when my dad is around."

- "bambina, he's not gone much"

- "I try to see the positive side... And then we'll keep meeting at night and then when it's just the two of us..." Answered Maya coming to kiss her in the neck.

An older woman in the opposite rows, two seats in front, had turned and looked at Maya and Carina in a shocked way, while the blonde had her lips in the neck of the brunette and the latter had her fingers against her jaw.

The Italian turned her head and gave her a huge smile, which caused the woman to give a shoulder tap in the air as if to say 'anything', shaking her head, before turning around again.

-"Humm, I think we have a homophobe in the bus..." She whispered

- "Why would you think that?"

Carina had turned Maya's head, which she was still holding by the jaw, placing her thumb on the other side of her chin and turned the blonde's head.

- "do you see the lady two rows ahead?"

- "the one with the half purple hair?"

- "yes,... She looked at us and seemed outraged that a girl as beautiful as you could be kissing a poor little girl like me... On the neck, on the bus, in front of so many people... I mean, we would have been only the two of us, she would have looked at us the same way".

-"We would have been just the two of us..." Maya began by turning her head towards her girlfriend: "you wouldn't have had so many clothes on and it wouldn't have been your neck that I would have been kissing...". Did she as she came to place a kiss on hers lips. "She was perhaps shocked to see that a woman as sublime as you let herself be groped by a person as banal as am I".

- "You made me queer! Do you really think you're banal?"

-"I don't know, I'm the luckiest girl in the world... I mean, whatever..."

- "whatever what?"

- "I said once or twice... To you and probably to Andy that it would be really dumb for me to fall in love with someone who lived far away... So either that makes me the luckiest girl in the world because I'm loved by a goddess, or it makes me the least lucky girl in the world because my dreams with this celestial being have an expiration date."

- "I don't want to think about that right now"

- "Carina ... I have to admit something to you... The more the days go by, the more I fall in love with you... I go to bed and I tell myself that I could never love you more, and the next morning I wake up and as soon as I open my eyes I see your beautiful face... And I fall in love with you more than I was the day before".

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