Chapter 24: Blood Red

Start from the beginning

Amongst another street, Carnage then pummel Spinneret to the ground as he grabs her and throws her body to a pole, causing Spinneret to shout in pain. Carnage was walking slowly yet intimidatingly and creepy, like something out of a horror movie. And MJ felt like she was in one. But there is only one difference. Like any movie from action to horror, the danger isn't real in them.

But here?

The danger IS real.

Carnage was looking at the injured, almost bloodied, Spinneret. The bloodthirsty Klyntar then gave Spinneret a punch to the lips, busting it as blood started leaking. He then slashes his claws at Spinnerets' face, both right and left, causing blood to spill out. Not enough to kill her, but enough to cause pain, as it's evident that Carnage was enjoying every bit of it. MJ screamed in pain as Carnage then clawed MJs' abdomen, leaving a scar.

Having enough, Carnage then said to the red-headed wife of Peter Parker.

Carnage: Don't worry, I'll be sure to paint your house red when this is over. The whole damn house. Who knows, maybe your kids like red. And when I make them turn blue? I don't think you should worry. Because you can just smile and nod instead.

MJ, despite the situation she's in, growled at Carnage.

MJ: Over my dead body, Carnage.

Carnage let out a psychopathic laugh at her words.

Carnage: Oh, honey. That's the idea.

There was a short moment of silence before Carnage spoke.

Carnage: Y'know. When I look at you, you make me think of a book. A Book of Blood. Because whenever I see you, I see red, like in the pages. Pretty bloody red.

Now MJ felt scared.

Carnage: And here's a question. Which is the true nightmare, the horrific dream that you have in your sleep or the dissatisfied reality that awaits you when you die?

MJ said nothing.

Carnage; Bah, what am I saying? Don't worry, me and your kids? We'll have a hell of a time. Anyways, before you die, check out my Thing impression: IT'S MURDERIN' TIME!

Carnage then raises his right claw. But before he could give Spinneret the killing blow, by slitting her throat, a beam of cosmic energy hit Carnage, sending him flying. While MJs' vision starts to blur, she clearly recognizes the woman.

Carol Danvers.

Who currently goes by the name "Captain Marvel".

What made MJ perplexed is that she's wearing an outfit identical to the Ms Marvel outfit she had worn before. But the difference is that it's a more modest version of the classic Ms Marvel outfit, which honestly looked like a swimsuit. It doesn't really show off that much, except for the muscular arms that she's been having since her military career. Muscular but still sporting a feminine figure. And there's another thing.

Carol Danvers had been missing since the whole "Superior Spider-Man" debacle, which is still a sore topic to bring up. But she came back with a new outfit and a completely different personality. MJ had always suspected that something wasn't adding up with Carol. At one point, she was acting like a believable person. And all of a sudden, she's acting like a Mary Sue.

MJ: Okay, this is really messed up.


As Carnage starts to get up, Carol then uppercuts him, sending the genocidal Klyntar to the sky. Carol flew to Carnage as they fell down. Carol continues her relentless punches, not letting Carnage get the chance to retaliate. As they reached near ground level, Carol grabbed Carnage by the back of the head and BOOM! A crater formed following the impact.

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