Video Game Night - Shigaraki x M!Reader ☁️

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A December, Saturday night.
Shigaraki has moved himself and Y/n to his own secret place. Everyone else is staying at Re-Destros offered "lair".

Narrator Pov:

Y/n walks in with a bowl of popcorn, and sets it on the bed. They think to themselves, "I hope this is good enough." Looking at the snacks and games they picked out for Game night. Shigaraki wasn't very romantic, but he knew how to be laid back.
Shigaraki walked into the room, shutting the door behind him.
"Hey Y/n. Wow you're really ready huh.." He chuckled while taking of his jacket and sitting on the bed.
Y/n replied, "Yup. Soo what do you wanna play first?". Shigaraki groaned and laughed at the same time. It wasn't his idea for game nights, but he obliged with it for Y/n. At least he knew how to play some games (older ones mostly).
"Mortal Kombat, how about that?" Shigaraki told them. Y/n said "Can do!" while putting the disc into the player. They picked up their controllers and got ready to play.

Lots of clicking and sound effects came from the tv and them. Shigaraki easily beat Y/n because of his skill at the game. Shigaraki teased, "Aw it's okay loser, at least you one once" he said and kissed their cheek and laid down. "Hey!...ugh alright fine you won. But I'm picking the movie!"
"Alright fine, it's only fair loser"
Y/n put in the movie and grumbled to him, "stop calling me that 😑"

The beginning of the movie Suicide Squad starting playing, as Y/n laid down next to Shigaraki.

Y/n Pov:
I laid down next to Shigaraki while munching on some popcorn. Nervously, I slightly held his hand. I could feel my stomach turn and my face turn into a cheeky smile. He didn't move so I motioned to him if I could lay with him. He held his arm out to me. I laid down on his chest, as he wrapped his arm around me. Hugging me tightly, but very passionately. He felt very warm surprisingly. I felt safe with him even thought he was a villian.
I grew up with him so I trust him.
We've been friends ever since I met him.

I can't believe how gentle he is with me. I see him when he's working and god he's so.. tough. It's quite attractive, but I'm the only one whose seen his rare soft side.
Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep in his arms.

Shigarakis Pov :
I looked down and noticed Y/n had fallen asleep. 'How is this possible?' I thought to myself. They love me even though I basically have no heart nor feelings for anyone. At least whatever is left of my 'heart' goes to Y/n and Y/n only.
I love them. Damnit.
Y/n responded "Yes Shigara-?" I cut them off by pulling their face into mine and connecting my lips to theirs. I kissed them slowly and passionately. It felt like heaven.
"S-shigaraki.. what was that for?"
"No reason. Just felt like it, love"

~ Tomura Shigaraki x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now