If she knew exactly what he did, I'm sure she wouldn't be saying this.

"OK, I have to call you back, mama," I say, and she hangs up.

Scott hurried inside the hotel at this precise time. The environment here is continually changing, with pleasant feelings and well-lit everywhere.

This makes me wonder whether this is what Karen's father would have created if he was the one who got away with the jewels because this hotel was undoubtedly made with the sets of jewelry my father stole.

Scott stopped the car at the bar's parking lot, we hopped out of the whip and he handed me the key fob.

"We can't afford to lose this Mike," He says as he pats my shoulder.

I roll my eyes and we begin to walk in. When we go into the pub, we witness people dancing to the afrobeat music that the DJ is playing. It's usually lit up here, so I wonder why I don't sense the energy.

Have you noticed anyone in the bar using earbuds to listen to music on their phone? Who does that, after all? No one except me tonight.

Then I slide into my Whatsapp status to find that Ren just updated, so I hunt around for a vacant couch to sit on.

Felt like I fit in the picture.

She posted just that.

"Of sure, beauty, you fit into my picture," I write in the reply box.

I instantly erase the text since I remember that she declined to respond to my chat apology.

I rather slip to Tracy's DM and type.

"Please allow me to apologize for what I said to you earlier. Can we talk?"

As soon as I hit the send icon, Scott's voice can be heard as he removes a bud from my ear.

"You can't be on the phone here when there are boobs and yansh. That is the rule." I turn to face him as he makes a remark and notice him holding two mojitos.

When I see him out clubbing and doing other related stuff, I sometimes wonder how the hell he maintains first-class honor. In colleges, there are two different types of first-class pupils. Those who read all hours of the day and night to flourish, and those who like partying but will still come out on top!

Scott is the latter.

He hands me one glass of mojito, and I take a sip right away.

"You should enjoy yourself as much as you can, dude," He continues, causing two women who are dancing nearby to move in closer to me.

While the other hugs me and strokes my chest from behind, the chubby one curls up on my lap to rock her body with mine.

"Cool!" Scott chuckles and then walks up to a lady to whine with her. I continue to stare at him with my mouth open.

Can someone please remind this guy he is currently in a relationship? A serious one to be precise.

The girl who was moving her body alongside me now has a different stance, turning to face me and twisting her boobs in my direction. I can't believe I do not feel attracted to this slay queen, despite how curvy and attractive she is.

This is not me or should I say I can't go back to my old self after wanting to play Ren's heart?

I indicate no the moment this lady begins to ride me. She shrugs why.

"IDK, I can't do this," I say clearly to her, and she gets off my lap, frowning, while I pull the hands of the one behind me off my chest. I rise to my feet and start walking out of the bar.

Something else comes to mind. Michael, my boss, might be able to connect me with a dealer for my whip. Without even considering leaving Scott here, I must go immediately to the gym.


"Are you sure you want to do this guy?" Michael inquires after I inform him I'd like to sell my whip. While other people work out inside, we are right here talking outside the gym next to my whip. I haven't come here since I began my exam.

"You know I can help financially," He continues and I nod in agreement.

"Of course, I realize that, but I just need to trade it to assist a friend and also clear things out for myself,"

"If you say so, I've got dealers on the ground," He says.

"Really? I'd be grateful for it" I respond with a wide grin.

"Is there a deadline?"

"Yeah, I need the money by Sunday."

"Okay, no issue. I'll get in touch about the negotiations."

"Many thanks. Here's the fob "I say and hand it to him.

"When will your exam be over? We've missed you around here," He continues, and I flush at that.


That's the day after tomorrow.

"Wow, I hope you're coming back, and I don't mind having you as my partner," He responds, and we both laugh at his last line.

"Sure, I'd really want to," I respond even though, with everything going on in my life, I don't know what I'm going to do after graduation.

"We can't wait to have you back," he says, and I smile. He shakes hands with me before returning inside while Scott's call comes through.

I laugh as I pick up right away.

"Where the hell are you, guy?" He queries.

"I came to meet Michael," I explained.

"When will you return to pick me up?"

"I don't think so because I'm leaving my whip with him."

"What!" He shouts. "You won't be changing your mind, are you?

"No," I reply quickly, feeling upset.

"Guy!!!" He's saying, and I interrupt.

"Just stay on my side, man."

"However, leaving me here is not an option."

"Do you know what worries me more?"


"I'm hoping Becky won't catch you having fun with all those ladies."

"Oh, God no!" He says, and I burst out laughing. "I have no idea what hit me, and I need to get out of here before anything worse happens,"

"You better do,"

"Are you coming tonight?" With his inquiry, I start considering working out, taking some ice baths, and getting a good night's sleep at home instead of having this guy wake me up at midnight to study in his place.

"No, I have to go home," I answer him.

"Okay, then. Just be sure to arrive early tomorrow since we have a lot to cover."

"Sure," I say, and he hangs up. I sighed deeply and examined every inch of my whip.

There is no question that I will miss you.

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