Chapter 12

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And the meeting was finally held. Jimin was sitting in the council with Namjoon as the head alpha. Jungkook was standing in front of the council beside him stood Yu-jun.

"Let's begin," Namjoon said. " Head alpha, Yu-jun here falsely accused me that I had contracted someone to get you murdered. For the reason of head alpha, I did not do it."

"Of course he won't say he has done it. Yeah? I have an alibi. I was staying at Nayeon's home. Even she saw Jungkook coming to meet the killer." Yu-jun said.

"What.?You lived beside the killer's home or what? " Jungkook asked. "Anyways please present Nayeon" Jungkook said.

Nayeon came and stood beside Jungkook in front of the council. "Yes, head alpha I saw Jungkook near the killer's house."
Nayeon said. The whole village gasped.

"When? When did you see me? And what time?" Jungkook asked. "The day before alpha namjoon was shot. Around 7 in the evening" Nayeon replied. "Hah that's where you got it wrong Nayeon-ah. Me and my mate were in the city 3 days before the head alpha got shot. We came back the day before he was shot around 9 and I didn't go outside my chamber after that"

Nayeon was caught lying. "Head alpha, you knew yourself when me and your son went to the city and came back. Anyways I have a complaint to make and have witnesses for it as well. One day a small omega named Eun-ji came to my doors begging for shelter. Somebody had beaten her to death. She said that it was done by some omega named Yu-jun." Everyone gasped.

" Not only that, when the person who pulled the trigger on you, head alpha was caught we gave him nice treatment and he has accepted the truth, otherwise he would have lost his dick! Oh god. Can someone bring Eun-ji and the killer!?"

They both were presented in front of the council. The killer was a beta guy "head alpha, I was given money and a promise to get an omega by Yu-jun. She gave me the money, but she didn't give me the omega. She said the omega escaped her room and was nowhere to be found. I accept whatever punishment you give me head alpha." The beta guy sobbed.

Yu-jun, who was ready to run,felt a gun on her forehead. It was Jungkook, "no no, not that fast. " He said, chuckling. Namjoon asked Yoongi what her punishment should be and he decided that she should be banned in the village or anywhere near the village and if she was found wandering anywhere near she would be given to rouges for them as to please.

Namjoon announced the same and stood and said, " my family or other justice is served to all. I think it's my time to retire. Jungkook took good care of the village as the head alpha. He should be in the position. Is there any objection?" No one spoke. "That's what I thought. Well then everyone can go home, the wrongdoers maybe kept in the prison "

And the family started walking towards their home. A young alpha around Jungkook's age stood in front of them. "Yes, what do you want? "Namjoon asked.

"I-i want to ask for your son Taehyung's hand in marriage. I want to court him. I will love him with all my life. I want to marry him and have kids. We are in love. He loves me as well, you can ask him." The alpha said in one go.

Jimin was the new Luna now. "You didn't introduce yourself, alpha. I can't say yes to an unknown person now can I. He is my brother, his safety comes first. " Jimin teased.

Jimin and Jungkook knew this all along. But kept it low-key because Tae wanted to.
"My name is Seo-joon, I'm an alpha" the alpha said scratching the back of his neck.
Everybody laughed, including Taehyung.

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