Chapter 1

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It was last summer when he met Beom-seok. He and his family were out for a vacation for a few days. That's exactly where he met Beom-seok and his mother. They were staying at the hotel where he was staying. Beom-seok was a Beta and he and Jungkook got along really fine.

Even after the vacation he and Beom-seok were still in contact. And one sudden day Beom-seok invited Jungkook to this place near the outskirts of the city. Jungkook had no idea why he would do it, but being a good friend he decided to talk to him and meet him.

Jungkook;a fine young alpha of 21 years with a good physique and a healthy body. He was currently studying criminal law as a main subject. Born in the city with a small family consisting of his father, mother and a younger brother Jungkook was happy. He was quite popular in his college, a well known sports-men. That's where the good physique comes into the picture.

Jungkook took a bus from his college dorm to meet Beom-seok. Jungkook was a little suspicious about his behavior lately, and calling him near the outskirts fueled his suspicion. He got off the bus at the last stop. He was about to call Beom-seok before that ,Beom-seok was in front of him.

"Hey Beom, long time no see" Jungkook hugged his friend. "Likewise Jeon '' Beom also replied. "So why this sudden meeting?" Jungkook asked. He was observing his surroundings, all he saw was a small gang of people near every dumpster. It seemed like a trap but why would Beom invite him to such a place plus Beom knew he was going to be a lawyer coming year and he had good contact with the system as well.

"Nothing special, felt like meeting you. I missed my friend. And mom missed you too. Isn't it mom" Jungkook was standing in front of Beom-seok's mother. He greeted her. He was standing in a circle not only with these two people but also some unknown humans who did not seem to be someone he would ever hangout with.

They were saying something which seemed like a plan of looting or gang war thing. He had no idea what he walked into. Fuck!!!!he slowly began to understand he was now involved in the gang. They were surrounded by the rivals. And the rivals did not know that Jungkook was innocent and walked into the trap like a fool.

His mind began to spin, the words they were speaking started going above his head. That's when someone yelled "RUN". That's all it took to Beom and his mother to run to their car which they parked near the exit of the outskirts. And Jungkook started to run towards God knows some direction.

Jungkook heard Beom yelling "come here you idiot!!!" And ran towards their car. The car sped up in seconds and they were on an unknown route. Which kind of led to the jungle. The road was nothing but pebbles and soil and Beom did good at driving.

Jungkook couldn't stop himself anymore and asked Beom-seok more like yelled "what was it Beom, did I walk into a gang war?? I'm an innocent who's gonna believe it now. Did you do it on purpose???"
Beom looked terrified and replied "don't you trust me Kook, huh why would I do such things??"

The car gave out in the middle of the road. All three started to walk in the same direction of the jungle. It was evening by the time they reached near a hill and on top of that it seemed like an under-constructed home.

"Let's stay the night there. We will see what to do tomorrow." Beom-seok's mother said. The boys agreed. They were all worn out because of the rough journey. They sat for a few minutes to take a rest. Jungkook stood up and started scanning the place.

It was pretty dark there. As he was trying to search he felt something wet. As if someone had poured the water just a few minutes ago because the water was warm. His sense of smell also started working and he smelt a dog? A pig?

Fuck!!!! He walked into someone's home waranda. "There's someone living here. We are not the only people." Jungkook said and the lights turned on.

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