Chapter 9

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After a few days of their heat and rut everything went back to normal. Yu-jun was not talking to any of her family members. She was not at home usually. Jungkook started to study law of village in the morning and would usually take his omega out once in a while to the city.

When Jimin first entered the city, he was mesmerized. He was staring at the huge buildings, there were cars and buses which were kind of new to him. Jungkook took Jimin to his home. He told his parents about the incident. And how he felt at home and now he has a beautiful mate.

Jungkook's mother was beyond happy to have Jimin as her son in law. He did all the chores, helped her and most importantly took care of her son. They were initially sad, but at least they could have Jungkook come home once in a while.

Jimin and Jungkook were on a date today. They were in the mall. They played games, did some shopping and ate pizza which wasn't available near the village. Jimin loved pizza. After that almost in the evening they were back at the village.

The next morning Jimin started vomiting, Jungkook decided it was yesterday's pizza which did not do good to Jimin. "Baby is your heat due again? I saw your bras again in the laundry." Jungkook said. It was like 2 months from their mating. They used to have sex almost every day. "You won't get it alpha," Jimin said. Jungkook was about to ask what he meant, they heard a gunshot. Jungkook ran leaving Jimin behind to upstairs only to see Namjoon laying on the ground around the pool of blood and Seok-jin was sobbing, yelling for help.

Jungkook quickly called a few more alphas and helped them to take Namjoon to the village hospital. It was a bit far from where they stayed. The doctor had told them the bullet just missed his heart by a few inches and Namjoon was out of danger for now. He suffered huge blood loss and thankfully Jungkook had given blood to save Namjoon.

Seok-jin, Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin, Yu-jun were present in the hospital. Jimin was clutching onto Jungkook and crying very hard. Yu-jun wasn't looking at anyone. Hobi was trying to comfort Seok-jin. Yoongi was pacing around the hallway.

Suddenly Jimin felt like throwing up and ran towards the bathroom and Tae ran behind him. "Yoongi hyung do you have any idea who did this to head alpha?" Jungkook asked. Yu-jun who was silent till now raised her head and said "I know who did this" everyone turned their head towards her. Seok-jin went and grabbed her shoulder and asked her who it was.

Yu-jun pointed at Jungkook and said, "he wanted the head alpha position so badly that he gave contract to this killer. I was staying at my friend Nayeon's home. Even she saw Alpha Jungkook coming there, you can ask her if you want to" Yu-jun stated.

Tae was rubbing Jimin's back. " Minnie we are in the hospital only, let's get you checked up, I know it's not food poisoning, your chest has been swelling, your smell has been changing, Minnie don't fight please. Let's talk it out with your alpha okay?" Jimin nodded. When they entered the hallways, Jungkook's angry pheromones were heavy.

Jimin ran towards his Alpha asking him why he was angry, " you see Yu-jun just because I didn't claim you, doesn't give you the right to accuse me. I was the one who was ready to take the bullet for you people on my first day here." Jungkook yelled.

"That was before you became Second Alpha. You had no one, no home, no shelter, you wanted someone to heat your dick, you got a perfect whore for that-" Yu-jun felt a slap on her cheek. Again. In front of Jimin this time it was Yoongi. "I'll forget that you're my child, he has done nothing but good to you, if you're not good as him don't blame him for that you get it? Out!! Now!!" Yoongi yelled. "No appa, I want to be here when Alpha Namjoon wakes up. I'll talk to him, I'll tell him how he planned everything. I won't let this filth become Luna and his mate head alpha" Yu-jun yelled pointing at Jimin and Jungkook.

Before anyone could argue the doctor scolded everyone to clear the hallway because of the yelling. Jimin and Jungkook walked near a seat and Taehyung followed them. After sitting Tae said, " I know you guys need some privacy, but I'm here on behalf of Jimin, alpha. It's not just food poisoning. He won't say it to you. Appa needs time to wake up anyways and we're in the hospital please go check up." And Tae walked away.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and took his hand and dragged him to the omega doctors.

"What's wrong with this young omega?" The doctor asked. "He is throwing up," Jungkook flatly stated. " When was the last sexual encounter?" The doctor asked, noting something on her notepad. "The day before yesterday," Jungkook stated. "Okay. From when he's been throwing up?" Jungkook looked at Jimin and said "yesterday " but Jimin looked at him then at doctor and said, " almost one and a half month"

"We need to do a blood test. Yes? Then an ultrasound, do you want to come and see it alpha?" The doctor asked. Jungkook was angry at his omega that he had been throwing up for a month. Jungkook muttered a yes and went with them towards the ultrasound.

The doctor applied some cold gel in Jimin's stomach and moved the ultrasound machine. " Look at that, the baby is here." The doctor pointed. Now Jungkook understood why the bras were in the laundry. He had knocked up his omega and he was going to be a father. He was happy about it.

"That's my baby? Yeah?" Jungkook asked the doctor and then Jimin. Jimin nodded, his omega knew. Of course he knew. He would punish his omega once all the matters were cleared.

The doctor gave Jimin a few tablets and told to be careful and everything. "You got what I'm saying, omega, more milk, butter and dairy products, yes. Good. Do you have any questions?" Doctor was writing few things on her notepad "Sex. Can I have my omega, doctor? " Jungkook shamelessly asked. Jimin became red. "You can as long as you're gentle." The doctor said with a small smile.

Jimin and Jungkook exited the room and went near Namjoon' s room. Jungkook saw Seok-jin and said, " Jimin is pregnant. Luna Jin, you  know I would never do something like that right? He is a father figure to me. Please believe me." Jungkook said.

The doctor came from Namjoon's room when Seok-jin was about to reply to Jungkook. The doctor said, " the head alpha is awake. You can go and talk to him."

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