Act IX: Shame *Bell-Ring*

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I awoke in pain. I yelped and squirmed as pain washed over me like cold water, expelling the tiredness from my being. I looked around for my assailant and found not a soul. I expected to find Lady Solution's sneering expression but she was nowhere to be found. She wasn't one to enact cruelty from the shadows so I concluded she had no part in this.

I was quick to realize all that had transpired as I lifted my head from the floor. I remembered resting my head upon the couch for a quick breather last night but I must've passed out fully instead. And it would seem I had simply rolled off the couch and banged my head. Whilst I rubbed my aching head, I glanced a window with the shades drawn back and realized the sun had reached its peak.

My heart sank. I had overslept by four hours and was sure punishment was inevitable now. My eyes once again darted around the room, this time specifically in search of Lady Solution but once again I found myself alone. Perhaps she thought so little of my presence she had forgotten I was here entirely? Highly doubtful, I doubt she could so easily have forgotten my 'stench.' But, her lapse of memory was the only shred of hope I had to cling to.

I swiftly dusted myself off, hastily done with both arms and tail working side-by-side. I didn't want to diddle-daddle so I shrugged off changing into fresh clothes and instead sped towards the kitchen. Hopefully Lady Solution and Lord Sebas had already departed so even if they were aware of my tardy awakening, hopefully sprucing up the manor and a little begging on my knees could save me a lethal punishment.

I burst through the kitchen, immediately struck in the face by the dancing of pleasant aromas. Grilled bacon and sweet syrup filled my nostrils and washed away the fear and panic that had me in such a frenzy. The mouthwatering smell of scrambled eggs soon found its way to my nostrils, finalizing the trance. With an empty mind and stomach I stumbled forward to the source. Upon the kitchen counter was a large silver plater, wrapped in some kind of preservation parchment. Topped upon the dish like a cherry on a sundae was a small note.

Upon it were dozens of scribbles and scratched out words, but in the bottom corner, written in deep black ink, was my name. It seemed that all the scribbles were previous attempts at spelling my name that had been crossed out.

This food... was for me.

Questions came later. Now was the time for action.

I undid the wrap and moved the plate over to the table, utensils rattling in my trembling hands. It was breathtaking. A stack of seven thick, fluffy pancakes slathered in melted butter and syrup and a pinch of icing sugar. A dozen strips of roasted bacon, still ripe with juices. The aroma contained hints of honey, as well. The scrambled eggs, the bait that hooked my nostrils, was also there and plentiful. A large bowl of it, topped with melted cheese. Buttered toast, bowls of fruit, cinnamon buns glazed with sugar frosting, oatmeal, cereal, waffles, and so much more was spread out before me and... and... it was all for me.

A quarter of the plater had already been devoured before I even set it down. I drowned my face in the cereal and slurped it up like a child and shoved half the strips of bacon down my throat before I even took my seat.

The plater's contents were laid to waste before the hour was up. Stuffed and satisfied, I took to washing my dishes and dusting the kitchen floor for any possible crumbs I had dropped. It was as I removed the mop from the supply closet did I think back upon the note that topped my breakfast. I glanced upon it, it laid crumpled upon the counter top.

I uncrumpled it as fast I could and smoothened it against the countertop. The first and more obvious suspect was Lord Sebas. Who else present would be generous and kind enough to go through the effort of preparing a lowly fox halfling a meal? But what threw me off was the smell of the note. The writer's scent was fresh on the parchment, a lovely cherry-blossom scent that tantalized the nostrils.

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