Act III: A Fate Worse Than Death?

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For once... I couldn't eat.

Set before me was a delicious slab of meat, slathered in gravy with mashed potatoes, a roll, and tons of stuffing to accompany it. I had awoken moments prior to find the food placed before me, still steaming hot.

I was shackled but given enough moment to pick up a spoon and feed myself. But the constant visions if the possible futures that awaited me were poisoning my stomach. I spat out whatever I tried to swallow. I just didn't have the appetite.

The food smelled divine. But did nothing to dissuade me that something awful was going to happen to me. I saw this as nothing more then a nicety; a last meal before I was sent to the block.

When the visions of death weren't eating at me, vivid flashes of Yuri Alpha would pop into my head. Even now, certain she was the cause of my being here, I still had a desire to be with her. To feel her affectionate touch against my head once more.

The little maid was right... I am pathetic.

I had been caged to a small room. It wasn't some kind of prison cell or dark dungeon but a decent sized room you might hold a business meeting in. Only the furniture was lacking, the wall was finely decorated with truly strange art with depictions of unrecognizable creatures.

There was a door straight ahead of me. I suppose that would be where my executioner would eventually appear from. My magic was sealed and the chains beyond my ability to break. There was no chance of escape...

I could feel my locket, still locked tight around my neck. Either it had gone unnoticed or was just unworthy of claiming. Either way, I was happy to still have it.

I popped it open. Peering inside at the beautiful woman with long H/C hair and green eyes that shined like gemstones. Her smile was loving and heartwarming. Her or Yuri's smile, I couldn't decide which was better. But undoubtedly both were divine in their own right.

I wondered... was she watching me now? Watching me from some high place? Would she cry? Cry as I suffered and die? Or would she be grateful? Grateful that someone was finally punishing the abomination she was forced to birth?

"I wish I could talk to you... even for just 10 seconds," I said softly. "All I would need is 10 seconds to show you how much I love you, Mom."

The door opened, to which I responded by snapping shut the locket and hiding it beneath my shirt. As expected... a monster emerged from the doorway. A grotesque undead. No, not Ainz Ooal Gown. This undead invoked less terror and had flesh still upon its bones. It's malicious gaze fell upon me.

"Foolish mortal, the Supreme One will speak to you now." It declared, snapping its fingers. "Trouble will only court death, mortal. Think wisely."

My restraints crumbled away. It took me a moment to find the strength and nerve to stand. Once I did, the undead clicked its tongue with impatience and levitated out the door.

"Follow me."

"Of course..." I replied timidly.

Where would he lead me? Perhaps, a carnival in which demons partake in games which involve the suffering of humans? Would I be enslaved and forced to fight in some death pit? Or perhaps they wished to cut off my tail and use it for their attire?

Maybe I would go to a nice farm? Hopeful thinking, surely.

So many possibilities which only drove me further into despair. Even in what I was sure were my final moments of life, I continued to think about Yuri. She couldn't have pet me for more than a minute or two but the sensation of her touch and affection was edged into my brain.

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