Act VIII: Favorites

Start from the beginning

"Agh..." I groaned as I rose from my seat.

I approached Lord Sebas and walked passed him, heading down the hallway toward the front door. He did not follow, but did express his curiosity.

"And where are you off to?" he asked.

"He has an obligation to attend to my needs, whenever I should have them," I replied. "I am in need of him now and he is not here. So I'll fetch him myself and drag him back; on a leash if I have to."

"Perhaps I can assist you, Solution?" he offered.

I halted, turning around only to shake my head and bow.

"Unnecessary, Lord Sebas," I declined. "It is his duty and one given to him by Lord Ainz himself. And he is neglecting it. Thus, I will retrieve him and return him to work. You needn't trouble yourself. Rest assured."

With that, I unbent myself and resumed towards the door. Without a second thought did I depart from the manor to search for the fox. Lord Sebas remained behind, still puzzled but not worried. He had thoroughly interacted with me enough times to know when my intent was to do harm. And, surprisingly, he saw no such intent in my eyes when I spoke.



Clementine and I found a rather polluted tavern. The food was heavenly and the establishment not too shabby, but the dwellers of this tavern were what made it so foul and grotesque. Villains of all kinds were spread about. Thieves, murderers, rapists, sellswords, drug dealers and cooks, and all sorts of terrible folk. Women in revealing clothing filled the tavern, obvious and proud prostitutes that made no effort to hide their business just as the tavern barkeeps made no effort to stop them.

It was the vileness of this place that made Clementine select it. She mentioned little, but said she had a reason herself to remain hidden from prying eyes just like me. It was unlikely we would come across any knights or adventurers. At least, none that were decent and clean of corruption.

Now, while the establishment itself was quite the terror, as previously mentioned, the food was spectacular. It tasted like a home-cooked meal, made with an abundance of love rather than just pure skill.

"I can't believe you lived like that for thirteen years," she chuckled with an impressed expression. "You hated dirt when we kids! The cold, too!"

"Yeah, well, when dirt and cold is all you have you learn to tolerate it," I answered. "You really learn how wonderful stuff like beds and toilets are when you go without them for so long."

"Whose this nobleman anyhow? The one whose daughter your babysitting? I'm surprised Re-Estize nobles would employ anything non-human and allow you to roam free."

"He's a nice man," I said. "I can't say his name but I respect him deeply. If not for him, I would've never met my new friends or have come here to Re-Estize in the first place!"

I respected Lord Ainz as much as I feared him. That great fear was why my respect was so great.

"What about you? Why are you in Re-Estize?" I questioned.

She continued eating her Shepard's pie, purposely dodging the question by stuffing her face. Her attitude and expression was all I needed to discern what had happened and why she was sitting before me now.

"Ya know... the girl I grew up with was always rowdy and rebellious," I stated. "Beating up every boy who looked down on her or bully who picked on me. She took immense pleasure in brutal combat and enacting her own will and desires above all... those idiots should've known you would go rogue."

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