Hyunjin grabbed his phone to check his schedule. "I don't have any classes today. Tomorrow, I have both English and Japanese so that will be fun." He said sarcastically and Minho laughed.

"Want to work on our next danceracha piece before group rehearsal?"

"Yeah that sounds good. Let me get dressed."

"Don't worry, Hyunjinnie, we can stop for coffee along the way." Minho threw back at him with a smirk.

"We better!" Hyunjin called after him.

You are learning Japanese and English? That's got to be hard. I do better with Japanese than English but we have songs in Japanese and a couple in English but frequent lines in English so it's good to understand what we are saying. That makes sense. Felix hesitated before asking his question but Hyunjin could read the thoughts anyway.

Felix, I know this is a weird situation for both of us. There is little to no privacy between us now. Maybe we need some ground rules. If we can help it we try to ignore the random thoughts and only respond to thoughts like conversation? I don't know how possible that will be because it seems like anything you think about I catch and vice versa. It would take a lot of work to filter out what you intend me to hear versus what I hear. But if you need it, I will absolutely try my best. Hyunjin thought it over and agreed that Felix was probably right. Is it going to be possible to give each other any kind of privacy? I mean when we need to..uh... a thought of masturbation went through his mind before he could help it and Felix swallowed hard.

There has to be a way to shut the connection between us somehow. Like closing a door some? How would we do that? Maybe imagine a door? Neither of them really had any ideas. They both imagined a door between them and tried to shut it. It muffled the thoughts slightly but not by much. We'll keep practicing and can we just not comment on any intimate moments more than we think at the time? I use that um particular exercise to relax pretty often as I'm sure you do too and it is going to be awkward enough. Agreed. Hyunjin felt relief at that. Well I better get ready. He got up and began to dress for the day. Felix went back to work.

Felix focused on his work as much as he could though he could feel the burn of Hyunjin's muscles as he danced. The fluid movements feeling so good and familiar from Hyunjin and yet so foreign from Felix. When he clocked out, Felix headed to his dojo to work out. Hyunjin was a bit shocked at the flexibility Felix showed. I've been studying for years and have even competed. That's so cool Felix!

That night Jacob and Felix had a romantic dinner and cuddled while watching a movie. When they headed back to the bedroom, Jacob again tried to initiate sex, Felix tried to put him off but Jacob was not really to be deterred this time and he had been extra sweet to Felix that day. General civility is considered being extra sweet? Shut up, he is being nice. There was no heat to Felix's thoughts so Hyunjin knew he wasn't angry. For a stranger maybe. Felix felt Hyunjin withdraw as much as he could. His boyfriend bent him over the bed, he didn't like to have Felix facing him when they did this. He frequently bent Felix over and went to work. At least he always used a condom. While they had both been tested and were clean, that was a rule Felix had. He refused to bareback until he was positive he had found the one he intended to be with forever. The lubed condoms at least provided a bit of lubrication. While his mind told him his boyfriend was the best he was ever going to get, he wasn't ready to give in to his one rule. He is NOT the best you can do. Felix ignored Hyunjin's thought. Jacob didn't prep him enough but Felix was somewhat used to that. He never really seemed to take his time with Felix and Felix thought it was because he was the first guy Jacob had dated and he never complained.

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