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No One's POV

Lloyd woke up before the rest of the team, again. And did some training. Around 7 ish he heard Harumi's laugh from behind him. "You're up early" she said walking up to him. "Well I like to be productive" "Well since you like being predictive, come help me make food" he smiled and followed her into the kitchen. "What are we making?" Lloyd asked. "I don't know yet, but the team isn't up yet so we have some time" "How about...... pancakes!" Harumi nodded her head and grabbed the ingredients. While she was mixing them Lloyd laid his hands on her hips and rested his head on her shoulder. A shiver went up her spine and she felt her cheeks flush. She let him stay like that till she started flipping pancakes. "What do you want Lloyd?" Harumi asked while flipping a pancake. "Pancakes" Harumi let out a soft laugh at his reply. She turned herself around to face Lloyd. "I want you" She said, putting her arms around his neck, and pulling him towards herself. Their lips locked, she leaned back on the counter, and he leaned with her. "Are you two serious?! Kai asked, startling the couple. "At this hour?" The two shared a look and laughed. Lloyd let go of Harumi and let her finish cooking. "Pancakes!" Harumi yelled echoing through the monastery halls. "1.... 2..... 3" Lloyd started before the whole team came running into the kitchen. Harumi rolled her eyes at Lloyd.

Everyone was laughing at what Kai said when he saw Lloyd and Harumi. The two's faces were red as Kai's gi now. "In my defense it was Lloyds fault" Lloyds face got redder, Harumi didn't know that was possible. "No, it was not you're the one who turned around" "So what you had your hands on my waist" Everyone at the table gasped, Wu who was in the corner. He had the most surprised expression on his face. "You what?!" Lloyd was covered in questions. He glared at Harumi, she just smirked in victory. Lloyd had had enough, he threw food at Jay then Cole then Kai. "Oh, you asked for it!" Cole yelled. Breaking the whole table into a food fight. Wu left, leaving the ninja unsupervised. Harumi dragged Lloyd to the kitchen laughing. "Ok, that was uncalled for Rumi" "Why? It was fun." She walked over to him, they were inches away. He tried to speak but his words got caught in his throat. Harumi got closer, and closer when she got close enough she splashed Lloyd with water. "Hey!" "gotch'ya!" Lloyd and Harumi fought over the water in the sink.

Lloyd chased Harumi into his room, he got her cornered. "Lloyd '' her voice was shaky. She was silently praying that his Oni form wouldn't show. She was relieved when he put his hands on her sides. "Lloyd?" Lloyd ignored her and tickled her. He was on the floor, laughing. "L-lloyd please s-stop!" She said through laughs. "Who knew the quiet one was ticklish?" Lloyd continued to attack her. Lloyd stopped after a few more minutes to let her breath. "Thank you" she sighed, catching her breath. "Yep" Lloyd was laughing, and looked over at her. "No, no more." Lloyd scooted over to her. "I swear i'll kill you" "I thought you loved me" Lloyd teased with a smirk. "Who said that?" Harumi asked. "I believe you did" he was now sitting next to her. "You're so annoying" she rolled her eyes and playfully punched his arm. Lloyd and Harumi burst out laughing. "I love your laugh" Harumi was caught off guard by this comment. "Sorry, was that weird?" "A-a little, but thanks" Lloyd blushed and Harumi scooted closer towards him. Whispering in his ear she asks "Should we go watch something with the others?" Lloyd nodded his head, stood up. She reached her arms out for him to help her up. Lloyd rolled his eyes and picked her up bridal style. This surprised her, causing her to squeal.

Lloyd's POV

I carried Harumi into the game room and sat her on the couch. The others were fighting over what to choose. "Lloyd, should we watch Fritz Donigian or Clutch Powers?" Cole asked me. I'm guessing he and Jay are arguing over what to watch. "Ummm," I look over at Rumi. "Clutch Powers, we always watch Fritz Donigian." Cole sticks his tongue out at Jay. I guess Cole won. Jay and Nya sat opposite to me and Rumi on the couch. Kai sat on the chair by the couch, and Cole was laying on the floor.

No One's POV

During the movie Harumi got bored and decided to have some fun and teese Lloyd. She waited for the right moment then went for it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, placed one of her legs in the space between his legs. Lloyds face was disteed pink, due to the lighting in the room. The other ninja watched to see what she was going to do. Harumi whispered in Lloyd's ear "Go with it." He didn't know what she meant. He very quickly did, when she leaned in and kissed him. Lloyd was in a slight shock but did what she said and went with it. Lloyd wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer, at that point the whole team had their phones out. Wu and Misako were in the doorway watching to see what would happen next. Haumi and Lloyd parted from the kiss. "I love you Lloydie," Haarumi said with a smirk. Lloyd then knew she was bored and wanted to annoy the team. "I love you to Ru" "You two are quite the couple" Misako teased. Harumi was startled and got off Lloyd. Lloyd and Harumi looked at eachother, Harumi's face started heating up.

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