I'm Sorry

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{3 am}

Harumi's POV

"Just hear me out"

"Why didn't you tell me!?"


The cold blade slicing my skin hurt so much. But no one noticed.

I sat up in bed, I couldn't sleep, what time is it? 3 in the morning! Maybe I should just talk to him. What if he's still mad, what if that happens again. Why am I so scared? He wouldn't hurt me, not on purpose at least. I walk over to my door, but go back to my bed. I shouldn't bother him since it's three in the morning.

Lloyd's POV

I toss and turn in bed but I can't sleep. I should just talk to Rumi. What time is it anyways? What in fsm's name! It is 3 in the morning. But, I feel really bad. Why did I even react like that? I leave my room and walk to hers.

No One's POV

Harumi got out of her bed and walked over to her door. Lloyd had done the same. Lloyd was the one who opened the door, he and Harumi stood and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Then Lloyd guided her into her room but putting his hands on her waist, causing her to wince slightly, because he had put his hand on her cut. Without realizing it. She thought she hid it well. He walked with her into her room. He turned to shut the door once they were inside. "I'm sorry" They say at the same time. Harumi opens her mouth to speak, but Lloyd cuts her off by saying. "No, it's not your fault I should have talked to you" Harumi smiled and sat down on her bed. She motioned him to sit down next to her.

Harumi's POV

Lloyd came to me to apologize. I sat back on my bed, making sure to use my sweatshirt sleeve to hide the gauze over my burns. He sat down next to me. He looks too cute when his hair is a mess. "Rumi, I don't know why my Oni form came out, it has been acting up. I know I should have told someone, but i thought I could control it. I can't, and I'm asking for help." I don't say anything, I just hug him. "Also what did you wince when I put my hands on your waist to walk in here with you?" I thought I hid it, but now I have to tell him. "You just... surprised me" Or not. He cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms. I guess he didn't buy it. "Rumi, tell me why" "I did!" he put his hand over my mouth and a finger to his lips motioning to be quiet. "No, you lied" "No I didn't" "Yes you did" we went back and forth like this for a few more minutes. Before he said "I cant believe i'm doing this." I was confused but figured it out quickly, when he kissed me. I kissed back, did he think this would get me to talk? But I again figured out what he was doing, when he put his hand up my sweatshirt to my side, crap! He was feeling for the cut or the bandage I put over it. I try to separate the kiss, but he holds onto me tighter. Until he found the cut. Then he broke this kiss, and frowned at me. "Why didn't you tell anyone about your cut? I did that to you didn't I?" I hang my head "yes". "Let me help" I looked at his face which was almost as red as Kai's gi. "Help with what?" I play dumb, he's so cute when he's flustered and blushing. "Let me help you with your cut, and put stuff on it for you" That's so sweet honestly. I nod my head and he runs to the bathroom, and comes back with the first aid kit. While he was gone, I took off my sweatshirt, revealing my jade green crop top. I stayed on the bed and he kneeled on the floor. "This might sting a bit" He told me. The ointment is supposed to help numb the pain, after causing pain. I felt his hand against my skin, his touch was so warm, and gentle. I almost don't want this to end. Once he had put on the bandage he noticed my wrist, which I had tried to hide. He stared at it then thought. "Did my fire do that?" He grabbed my hand. "Can I see it?" I shake my head and pull my hand away. "Rumi, I won't get mad. I promise, I just want to help." I take off the gauze. He takes one look at my wrist and hugs me. I started crying, I couldn't control it anymore. "I'm so sorry," he whispers. We sit there for a moment before he asks. "Can I also help with your wrist?" "Yes Lloyd you can" I laugh. He puts on more ointment and new gauze. I felt so bad he looked so sad. "Ru-" he stopped when he looked up and our faces were centimeters away. I could kiss him. Should I? It didn't matter because he kissed me, lifting me up into the air and spinning me around. He put me down when we broke the kiss, "that was nice" I told him.

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