A Race

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Lloyds POV

Me and Harumi find disguises and head out to Ninjago to find provisions. "I would have been just fine by myself" I tell her as we jump rooftop after rooftop. "I know but IF anything happened to you i would never forgive myself" That sweet, but she's in more danger than me. I jump to the next roof and lose my footing, Harumi grabs my wrist before I can fall. "Guess you did need me," she teased me. "Y'know Rumi, you're really cute" "What?" "Yeah, the way your eyes light up when you're having fun, how the blue morning light reflects off your silky white hair. You're gorgeous!" She smiles and stops. "Wow, thanks Lloyd. That means a lot." "It's the truth," I tell her. "You're not so bad yourself" She says, jumping to the next roof. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I mean, Lloyd, you're the impossible mixer that people spend their whole life looking for." He tried to get away, but I grabbed her and spun her back towards me. Has landed a lot closer than I had anticipated.

Harumi's POV

I try to get to the next roof but Lloyd grabs my wrist and spins me back to him. Our faces are inches away, my hand lands on his chest, and in holding his other hand. "What do you mean like that?" He asks. "What I mean is, you're nice, funny, caring, smart. I mean we can throw ninja in there if we want to." I laugh. "You're also the rare mixture of cute and hot, that is hard to find with all of your other wonderful traits." I smile, he grabs my waist and jumps to the next rooftop with me. "Why did you do that?" I ask him. "Cause we weren't moving" i'm shocked "you're the one that stopped us." I yell chasing him to the next rooftop which is our stop. He laughed, "Love you to Rumi," He said, kissing my head. Gosh he's so sweet. Focus Harumi! i mentally facepalm myself, you're trying to get food and stuff. don't get distracted!

Lloyds POV

Harumis so cute when she's flustered, which she almost never is. I grab her wrist, snapping her out of her thoughts. When we get into the store, I see one of Garmadons minions. I bring Harumi's hood up, and pull her close. "Lloyd? what's happening?" I motion about the minions and to be quiet. she notices and goes with it. I wait till the coast is clear, and slip me and her into a janitor's closet. "That was close" I sigh. "Yeah" She looks happy. "Are you ok?" "Yes" she replies confused. "Why do you ask?" "You look way too happy" She giggled as she said. "Lloyd, I'm happy because I'm with you, and we're hiding in a janitor's closet, how is that not funny?" I see what she means. She leans in, I do the same. Our lips lock, I get my hand through her hair, and another around her waist pulling her close. We hear commotion outside the door. I look through the vent in the door. The minion is attacking the man at the counter. "Where are they?!" the minion asks the man at the front. "I- who?" "Lloyd Garmadon and Harumi Jade!" "I don't know, I swear!" The man calls. The minion lets him go and leaves the store.

Harumi's POV

Me and Lloyd come out of hiding, get our stuff and start to head back to base. "First one there gets to choose dinner!" Lloyd yells running past me. "You're on!" We are neck in neck, I knew the back entrance.

Lloyd POV

Where's Rumi? she must have taken a different route.

Harumi's POV

I make it to the base 2 minutes later Lloyd shows up. "What took you so long?" I smile knowing he's fully surprised. "H-How did you?" "Lloyd, i used the back entrance" It takes him a second then he realizes. I have the TV turned on, so we can see what's happening. "Oh, Lloyd. Garmadon is headed to the village looking for us. we should be safe for a few days." "That's great!" "I know! and I got in contact with your friends. They are headed to the village to stall him while me and you make a plan." "Really?!" He asks. "Yes, here they are on the coms." I told him. Handing the com over to him. He leans against the counter and talks with his friends for a few minutes.While he's on the call I start to clean the warehouse a little. We're probably going to be here a while. "So, what are we doing for dinner?" I hear him ask, slipping his arms around my waist from behind me. I spin around to face him. "Well. this might be a bad decision... but i was thinking we should go out, since Garmadon won't be here for a while. We should be mostly safe." He smiles and says "I love that idea Rumi! where do we want to go?" "I don't know, I was hoping you knew a place" He smiles. "Of course I do, but I'll surprise you" "Sounds good" I tell him. 

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