A Nightmare

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If you don't like darkish things, skip a little otherwise, enjoy! 

Harumi's POV


"Quiet One"


"You'll never be good"

These words echoed in my head. I shot up in bed, I looked over but Lloyd wasn't there. "Maybe he couldn't sleep as well." I tell myself. I get up and go to the bathroom to wipe the cold sweat off my face.

"Your crazy"

A voice whispered, It sounded so close but so far. I feel like I know it, but I can't place it. I look up into the dirty mirror. I see myself, no, the Quiet One looking back at me.

"Your evil there's nothing you can change about that"

The girl in the mirror told me, It looks like me but it's not me. "That is not true!" I yell.

"Yes it is"

"You don't love him"

"He doesn't love you"

"He killed your parents"


"Stop!" I scream smashing the mirror.

I woke up, again. It must have been a dream. Thank goodness, and Lloyd is here. So I guess it was just a dream, but it felt so real. There must be a draft, ist freezing in here.

Lloyd's POV

I hear Harumi scream, as she jolts up in bed. She's breathing heavily, maybe I should tell her that the warehouse we are in is the same warehouse that I was in during Garamdons reign. I have no idea what time it is, my phone is on the other side of the room. "Rumi, are you ok?" Ok, stupid question, but that's what you always ask. She's frozen, not speaking, just staring straight ahead. "Rumi?" I wave my hand in front of her face. She throws herself at me in a hug. I'll just wait a minute till she's calmed a little, to ask her what happened. She's not crying, that could be good, that could be bad.

Harumi's POV

Me and Lloyd sit there in silence, I don't know how I hadn't noticed this before. But he has a strong smell of pine on him. It's very relaxing, I can feel my muscles loosen. I need to tell him. "Lloyd?"

Lloyd's POV

"Lloyd?" Harumi whispered. "Yeah?" She pulls out of the hug, and adjusts how she's sitting. Wow, I didn't realize how cute she was with her hair a little messy, and the soft lighting on her white hair, and how her amber eyes glowed. Focus Lloyd! "So, umm... there was this voice. it's me, but not me, it's the Quiet One. and it scares me, a-and" I she's getting choked up. "Rumi, you don't have to keep going if you don't want to." I put my hand on her shoulder, she gave me a weak smile. "N-No it's fine, it is kinda cold in here. Anyways, and the voice kept saying Psychopath over and over it kept echoing. I woke up right here in the dream, you weren't here. I assumed you went to try to get contact with your friends, I went to the bathroom, and I heard the voice but ignored it. My or the Quiet One's face was in the mirror, she told me that I will always be evil, that I don't love you, that you don't love me, that you killed my parents, and I guess I lost it. I smashed the mirror and that's when I actually woke up." She sounded terrified of this person in the mirror. "Harumi, i should probably tell you but, this is the same place that I was when m- Garmadon had reign over Ninjago" 

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