A Date, Or Fate

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Lloyds POV

Harumi and I are headed out to dinner, I can't wait to show her where we're going. It was kinda cold out, because of the breese. I hope she likes the place I chose. "We're here!" I told her. Her eyes light up, she looks at me and says. "Lloyd, I love it!" she throws her arms around my neck, and kisses me softly. We separate and she looks up at me with her hazel eyes glowing under the soft lights around us. "That was nice isn't it?" She smiles, she has no idea what that does to me. She's just... I have no words to describe how much I love her. "Can I kiss you again?" Her question shocked me, before I replied I decided to kiss her.

Harumi's POV

Lloyd showed me this adorable restaurant, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. I asked "Can I kiss you again?" He was slightly taken aback. He didn't answer me, but then he kissed me! Once we separated he took my hand and led me inside. The restaurant was playing soft fun music, it smelled amazing too. "I have reservations for Lloyd." The lady showed us to our seats. After we ordered our food Lloyd's friends needed to talk to him. He left the restaurant saying he would be back shortly. "Hey beautiful," An unfamiliar force said from behind. I turned around to see a man, he has brown hair, brown eyes, he was weather short and he was wearing a blue business suit. "Do I know you?" I ask the man. "No, but you can" he puts out his hand for me. "I'm Ryan" the man tells me. I stay silent anxiously waiting for Lloyd. I turn to face Lloyd's chair trying to ignore the man. "Are you waiting for someone?" the man asks moving to stand across from me at the table. thank fsm he didn't sit down. "Yes actually, she's waiting for me" Lloyd said, coming up behind me. "Who are you?" Ryan askes. he didn't even give Lloyd a second to answer when he asks. "Are you her Boyfriend or something?" Lloyd froze but was quiet to snap back "Yes, she is!" "Who are you anyway to get a girl like her?" How does he now know who the green ninja is? "I'm Lloyd Garmadon, but you may know me as the green ninja" Lloyd showed Ryan his power. "Oh... uhh.... i-i'm so sorry sir" Ryan runs away scared. I laugh "Thanks, and maybe I should be your girlfriend, I mean we probably act like a couple already" Lloyd's face gets red. "Yeah, Harumi, will you be my girlfriend?" "Aww Lloyd of course!" our food arrives after that.

Me and Lloyd head to the canals. "It's so pretty tonight," I tell him. "I knew how much you liked the stars, so I thought this would be a great place." "Well you were right" I laugh. I walked over to the bridge, I didn't see the loose plank and I tripped. Lloyd catches me before I can fall into yen water. "Thanks" "I can't have you soaked" he says laughing. "and why is that" I expected some sweet sentimental thing but what I got was snark. "Well, we have one bed at the warehouse and I don't want to sleep on the floor" I roll my eyes. 

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