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Now I was all alone. Running away to not be involved in this attack. But that didn't last long because on my way I saw Gaara, Temari and Kankuro who were running towards a forest here in konoha. Before I even knew it, I was following them.

Why am I following them?

I tried to blend in with my surroundings so they wouldn't see me but that didn't help at all because Temari turned her head towards me and looked me straight up in the eyes. She probably told her brothers because the next thing I knew they vanished in front of me.

Where are they?

I looked around but could not find the three siblings.

What do I do now?

I searched the area with no success and gave up after a while. The forest was very peaceful and overall beautiful. The time went by and I walked around without knowing where to go whatsoever. This ended when I heard some voices shouting. It sounded like they were in a fight. That must be Gaara.

What I saw made my knees shiver with fear and an unpleasant goose bumps spread all over my body. Gaara had already begun to transform into that beast. One half was already that of this monster.

On the other side was Naruto with the uchiha boy, who was rooted and apparently had his own problems at the moment. Then there was this pink-haired girl who was held to a tree because of Gaara's sand and was unconscious. Temari and Kankuro were also not too far away.

What on earth happened here...?!

The next thing I did, I didn't even do when I was fully conscious. I instinctively ran between the two fighting boys, forming the signs for the water prison jutsu, to hold them both in my water prison at least for a moment. To my misfortune, Gaara quickly escaped from prison. At the very moment this happened, I dissolved my jutsu with naruto.

"Why are you here!!!", Gaara roared at me already beastly. I really wasn't sure anymore if this was Gaara or this monster and despite everything I risked everything with my next statement. "KNOCK IT OFF, GAARA!!! YOU STUPID MORON!!! STOP TRANSFORMING AND FIGHTING EVEN MORE!!!"

Everyone around me stared at me in shock, and I was well aware of how stupid I actually was for what I tried to do. That I tried to stop Gaara in this state. But I just couldn't help myself. I'd rather die at his hands than not have at least tried to stop him. "Peasant...", he said before scratching the left side of my face.

The pressure made me fall backwards. I performed my dragon bullet technique and just managed to break the fall so that at least not all my bones broke, but only a few, which of course was still painful. It was an understatement to say that I could lose consciousness at any moment and perhaps never wake up. On the ground, I sat there for a few minutes, investing all my strength in not passing out.

I was no longer able to move even the smallest muscle. "That's what you get now...", I suddenly heard a female voice next to me. "Temari..." Kankuro huffed out another comment, "You used to look better." Maybe I deserved this treatment. Unexpectedly, Kankuro carried me on his shoulders and the two of them moved a little away from the fighting with me, providing first aid.

"That should be enough for now." "Why...?", I asked, exhausted. "That's easy to answer. Your death would mean ours, too."

What does she mean?

"Shut up Temari", Kankuro punched her in the arm, "don't reveal too much..." I picked myself up despite the fact that I was still pretty shaky on my feet, thanked them both for their first aid, and plunged back into the fray, where a fully transformed Gaara awaited me. The one-tailed was in his full glory and across him a giant toad. "Hey girl! Get away from there! It's dangerous here!", roared Naruto, who was on top of the head of this giant toad.

How did he even get up there?


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