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My health got better and I was able to continue participating the chunin exams. We had to fight another genin in 1vs1 because too many teams passed the last exam.

The fights were pretty boring until it started to get a bit better when Temari fought against this one girl who had two buns on her left and right side. At first I was curious because this girl seemed somewhat promising but Temari absolutly demolished her.

The poor girl...

After this fight, the fights started to get more interesting. "Hey guys look!", I shaked their arms and pointed my finger towards the stadium, "it’s getting pretty fun. This dude with his shadows is really good." The shadow dude, Shikamaru was his name, was indeed lazy but really clever.

His IQ must be high af.

As I expected Shikamaru won this fight. I started to question myself when it was my turn to fight. I got really impaitent (?) because I wanted to fight and win so I could become a chunin and show Gaara how strong I was.

Please see me again... Don't ignore me and aknowledge me. I'm not the weak girl from back then. So please be my friend again...

"Hitomi! It's your turn", Asahi shaked me. I apologized and ran towards the stadium where my opponent already waited. "START!" My opponent was a genin from otogakure and was a fire release user so I had an advantage against him with my water release.

At first I made the signs for the Water Clone Jutsu and summoned four of them. With them I then performed my next jutsu. "Water Prison Jutsu!"

This jutsu trapped my target ─ which in this case was my opponent ─ in a sphere of water. The water can either be drawn from the surroundings or expelled from the user's mouth but because there was no water around I had to expell it from my mouth.

The fire boy was drowning when he managed to escape from the prison from water and attack me head-on. "That's for embarrasing me in front of everybody!!", he fired a fireball at me which hit me right in the face.

I quickly extinguished the water, but my blindfold fell off permanently. The damage was too fatal that I could no longer use it. In a state of absolute panic I boxed him away so he couldn’t see my eye. Altough it was just a punch and I was able to fight longer, my punch apparently was so strong that I knocked the fire boy out.

"Ishitani Hitomi wins!!"

What? Just like that? I mean I'm glad I won but still...

I left the field thoughtfully, so that the next fight could continue. This was in my opinion the most promising fight because Gaara had to fight against this Rock Lee guy.

I had heard fleetingly about him a few times, and according to the rumors, he shouldn't be underestimated. Nevertheless, I knew Gaara would emerge victorious in the end.

And I was right.

He freaked out and tried to attack Lee, although he was already unconscious while standing, but Lee's sensei stopped him. After that Gaara finally was declared as the winner. Even though I wanted Gaara to win I would lie if I said I didn't feel sorry about Rock Lee.

I didn't care for the next fight but rather the last two because Asahi and Katsumoto had to fight other genins. Unfortunately Katsumoto lost the fight but Asahi on the other side won. At least he won but I still felt incredibly sorry for Katsumoto for losing.


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