Part 34: A simple letter is fine.

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It's been two weeks since the Hostel incident happened and everything is cool now. Her classmates, her friends, and others missed her, and the guys from the fashion and architecture as well. But there's one thing missing, Vin Jin wasn't in school. Yeah, he skips because he wants to but, this time he just missed like two weeks of school now. Overall, it was just a normal day at school.

"Hey Mary, what happened to Vin Jin? He's been gone for a while now. Is he dead or something?" She asked her. Mary cringed at the question. "Why are you making that face?" "Oh he's... very busy and why you missed him?" She then smirks. Y/N sighed then nodded. "Mary, it's been one hell of a year. I feel like I'm ready to just confess." Y/N said. "Finally bitch Jesus Christ. Yeah it's been a year! Normally I would just give up by now." Mary said. "Oh...but you gotta wait for a month for him to come back...." Mary said as she cringed more. "Eh? Why?" "Because I told you... He's uhh busy..." "Umm okay then?" Y/N shrugged. "Hey, Mary what's the bitch counter?" "uhh somewhere around 100?"

Suddenly a crash was heard near them. "Where the hell is bitch?" Logan said. "Make that 101." "What is it now Logan?" Y/N sighed in boredom. "Just fucking come with me you know what-" Logan grabbed her shirt and dragged her. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow Mary make sure you do your homework," Y/N said as she was now away from school. "Yo Logan, where are we going?" He ignored her as he drags her into a nice fancy car. "The hell Logan you're going to put blood in my car! Oh hello, Y/N." A familiar voice that she hasn't heard in a while. "Goo? Eh?" She got surprised. "Been a while huh and you already met my secret friend," Goo said while he was driving the car. "Secret friend? You mean, pork chop?" "Damn Logan not gonna lie, I won't let it slide" Goo laughed. "Does Xiolen knows about this?" "Oh yeah he doesn't really care as much but if I take you without his consent...maybe but meh, I have to talk to you about something important," Goo said. "Hmm shady but alright," Y/N said while texting someone on her phone.

After a short ride there. They've arrived at some building. "This is where your cousin works," Goo said. "You and Gun work at some illegal shit." Y/N confronts him. He looks surprised and then sighed. "Oh, how did you know? Did Xiolen tell you?" "Yeah, just half of the shit about the HNH group or whatever it's called I could care less to be honest." Y/N yawns as she was still texting someone. "I was about to let you go in the building and have a chit-chat about something but I'll be direct then if you're going to be like that then." "Just fucking spill it already, I'm hungry and want to go home." Y/N said. "Jeez ok sassy pants, no need to give me that attitude. Anyways, be a secret friend of mine, I can tell that you're a very strong woman, I've met your father and told me all about you. We could even defeat Gun." "But Gun didn't even do anything bad to me besides hurting Xiolen a little. Also how the hell do you know my dad and how does my dad know you?" "Questions will be answered if you join me as a secret friend. Think about Y/N, you'll be rich, you have potential, and can even work with your dear cousin." Goo waits for her to shake his hand. "So what'd you say Y/N? Ride or die. Go big or go home?" Goo asked her. "I like what you're offering but, there's one thing that your missing." "Eh?" "Where are my food?! So, no food? Nope nope, my final answer is no. Okay bye" Y/N said as she walks away. "What?! Oh okay bye... I didn't finish my sentence nor does she know where she is?" Goo was dumbfounded by the way Y/N did and reacted like she doesn't give a shit about what was going on around there.

"Good thing I have this thing called the Gps. Hopefully, it works, and not be an asshole for once," Y/N said to herself. She sighed and navigate her way to her house. "Xiolen, I swear if I get dragged into this HNH group again I'm going to blame it on you and my father because he also knows people that work there. Honestly, I just want to live my dream as a singer or any type of music career I could think of, and also live a normal life. Well, I am as of right now, not getting dragged by any arc or shit." Y/N silently rants all the way to her house.

"Finally I'm at home -" The phone buzzed and she checked her phone.

Xiolen 🖕: Hey Y/N, how's life living alone? Pretty good? Anyways I'm back from my business trip and right now I'm helping out your "future boyfriend"about...  Something...anyways I'll be heading home in a few minutes.

Y/N: Okay 🤷‍♀️

"Jesus, I thought was about to jinx myself. Anyways what should I do now? Since I want to confess to him, what should I do? A letter? Be direct? Sing? HELL NO NOT SINGING TOO CRINGE! I DON'T WANT TO BE HUNTER FROM GINNY AND GEORGIA! That Newtube video that one of my classmates showed me was funny but cringed at the same time.:

(honesty I watches the show it was...something. Netflix party is the one who made the video
go sub to him)

Hmm, a letter seems simple." Y/N walks towards her room. She grabs a pencil and paper. She sat on her seat and begins thinking of what she should write to him. After a few minutes of writing and revising it, she cringed, crumbles it and throws it at the trash can.  After so many attempts to make a really good letter, she started to overthink. "Bro is just a fucking letter, why am I so stressed out about it? Everything I wrote was either cliche or just a secondhand embarrassment. If I get rejected, well, I get rejected. It's go big or go home you know? Vin Jin has that cocky brain of his, I never know what's going on with that son of a bitch." she sighed and ranted for god knows how long. "Hey Y/N- oh what's wrong you look... uh... are you okay? You were talking to yourself a lot lately. Hah good thing I'm not doing homework, I dropped out of school." Xiolen smirks as he came to her room. "Xiolen you have the same brain cell as Vin Jin, can you tell me if it's decent enough to not make him cringe." She asked as she passed the letter to him.  "What you're finally going to confess to him? It's about damn time..." "Oh shut up and just read it" He reads it and looks at her and the letter. "Well... I'd say it was not cliche well, kinda but hey at least it's not cringe nor do I have secondhand embarrassment. So you're good don't need to be overthinking about some love letter." He said as he handed it back to her. "So just relax and just wait till tomorrow." "He's not gotta be at school until next month." "Then why you're doing this now?" "So I won't forget and be at least ready to get rejected," She said as she puts her thumbs up. "Wow, can you at least be more confident?" "Hey, I mean I'll never know if he accepts it or not." She shrugged and makes her own envelope. "They're simple and look decent enough to give to him next month." She puts it in her bag, hoping it will not crumble. "Ahhh I can't believe I'm doing this! I'm so nervous and oh my god bro, I'm just nervous man. This is like, not me right now." She said as she puts her hand to her chest. "Oh my lord my heart, it's beating fast, by just talking about it." "Jesus, I can't believe that you're even confessing to him. In middle school, you used to say "fuck men! This and that." "Oh shut up! That's was the past cringy 15-year-old me." They both laugh.

"Man, we never talked about confessing someone, before besides me flirting here and there." Xiolen said. "It's usually just us jokingly making fun of us being lonely and talking the most random shit. Now look where I am now." She sighed. "Yeah, but hey I'm glad you're able to talk to me about shit and taking me to this journey while you know, Me working all day." "Well duh, you're like my big brother to me. I don't even have siblings, just me, my mother and my father." She smiled at him. "You know you're always going to be my favorite cousin." "Pfft, I know that, I mean we live together. I don't even have to pay shit." "Lucky you..." He sighs and Y/N chuckled. "Well you get rest for school. Tomorrow I'll have a few days off finally so, I'll chill and be lazy now." Xiolen said. "Alright then, Goodnight Xio." "Goodnight to
you too , Y/N." Xiolen walks out to her room.

"Y/N, please keep this life and not make bad decisions as I, and your father are. Also I'm glad you didn't join him and get forced to the HNH group, like me." He sighs as he looked through his messages about Goo ranting about his cousin not being his secret friend. "He won't shut the fuck about it..." Xiolen went to his room and rest for the night.

A/N: Ruh-roh Xiolen got some lore? What no way?! Hfhdgdhdgdgd

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